Jared Dillian

Jared Dillian

Oct 23, 2023
The Fog of War
Sometimes, during wars and following natural disasters, I write about how to profit from wars and natural disasters. Then people will write in, complaining, saying it's a little gross. Have some sympathy, man. Hey, look - I'm a trader.

Oct 19, 2023
The High-Water Mark
I was on a plane flying back to Myrtle Beach two weeks ago, sitting next to a man in his fifties who worked as a computer geek for a community college. He was ex-Navy, and, of course, I am ex-Coast Guard, so we had a good chat about being in the military.

Sep 28, 2023
2023, The Year of The Great Malaise
I've been writing financial newsletters for 15 years. I have seen a few cycles. There have been good times and bad times, thrills and spills. This is about the worst year ever.

Sep 21, 2023
Equities in the Next 100 Years
Over the last 100 years, the US equity market has returned about 9% annually. What will it return over the next 100 years?

Sep 15, 2023
Jared Dillian: The Fed Will Cut Rates in 2024
That's a bold prediction in the title. I believe it will come true.Given the uncooperative consumer price index (CPI) reading of 3.7% we just got, it seems possible that the Fed will hike one more time before putting away the hiking boots.

Sep 7, 2023
Jared Dillian: The Email Beige Book
I write a few newsletters, and I frequently get feedback from my subscribers. Sometimes, they're just saying hello, and sometimes, they're ripping on me, but sometimes, they're telling me about things they see in the economy that are of interest.

Aug 31, 2023
Inflation vs. Deflation,What's at Stake
First, let me start with a tweet by Larry Summers, though this chart has been passed around by Andreas Steno Larsen and others. If you're not hip, basically, this is a chart of current inflation on top of the inflation in the 1970s.

Aug 24, 2023
Jared Dillian: What Are Interest Rates?
Interest rates have made fools out of all forecasters ... unless you look at the flows.

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