As an attorney and graduate law professor, it is crucial to emphasize that the scope and depth of the events described in this article could be easily researched by any college or law student with basic access to AI and news sources. However, the need to put these reflections into writing comes from the fact that political persecution in the United States from 2015 to 2024 reached horrific levels reminiscent of The KGB and a "Banana Republic."
This period represents an attack on civil rights, due process, and democracy itself. Those who have participated in creating fake evidence to undermine the rule of law and overthrow a duly elected president must be held accountable. The conspiracies, manipulations, tampering, and fabrications that have occurred over the last nine years demand thorough investigation and prosecution, starting with those who sought to topple the U.S. government.
What is the “Digital Insurrection”?
The term "Digital Insurrection" refers to a coordinated effort utilizing digital tools, misinformation, and legal manipulations to destabilize the United States government. This effort, primarily aimed at impeaching and convicting President Donald Trump, involved the creation and dissemination of fraudulent materials, such as the infamous “Pee Pee Tape” Steele Dossier.
It began in 2015 and continued through the final years of Trump’s presidency, peaking in the years following the 2020 election. This covert campaign aimed to subvert democratic processes, using fabricated evidence to discredit a sitting president, create political chaos, and influence elections, almost took down a duly elected government, and prosecuted the leading presidential candidate.
At the heart of this digital insurrection was the weaponization of legal mechanisms, specifically wiretaps and surveillance programs, which were used to spy on Trump’s campaign. The fraudulent Russian dossier, for example, was circulated through media channels, law enforcement agencies, and legal bodies, attempting to convince lawmakers, judges, and the public of fabricated leftist claims of “Russian Pee Pee Tapes” and Russian interference in the 2016 election. These claims were presented as genuine national security concerns, all the while being used as tools for political sabotage. ^1
The Role of the FBI and the Manipulation of FISA
Central to the "Digital Insurrection" was the FBI’s role in procuring wiretaps and using them for political purposes. These wiretaps were authorized under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a law that allows surveillance on individuals suspected of being agents of foreign governments.
However, the surveillance of Trump’s campaign staff was based on fraudulent claims, use of fake documents, defrauding judges, and criminal manipulation of judicial processes. Several senior officials within the FBI and intelligence agencies were caught being complicit in misusing their powers to target political opponents of the establishment.
This manipulation was not merely bureaucratic incompetence; it was a deliberate strategy to undermine Trump’s presidency. The evidence and wiretap applications provided to federal judges were intentionally tainted, and the courts were misled into granting permission for surveillance that violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. The use of fraudulent information, particularly the Steele Dossier, which had been shown to be unreliable, concocted, and politically motivated, played a significant role in these efforts. ^2
The damage caused by this illegal surveillance and the accompanying media campaigns was far-reaching. False narratives were perpetuated in the media, portraying Trump as a Russian puppet and undermining his legitimacy as president. These actions are reminiscent of Watergate where 40 people got felony convictions, but this attack on Trump was much larger, and larger in scale involving hundreds of top government people, and offenders cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Remember, even people like Sen. John McCain and Sen. Mitt Romney were massively duped by these pre-meditated criminal tricks by government operatives.
The True Goal: Political Destabilization
The overarching objective of the "Digital Insurrection" was not simply to remove President Trump from office, but to destabilize the political system of the United States. Following Trump’s landslide victory in 2016 where Clinton lost billions of dollars thinking she would win, many within the political establishment, both in the Democrat Party and the intelligence agencies, sought revenge for what they perceived as a disruption of the status quo. This retribution manifested in the form of orchestrated campaigns to create a narrative of Russian collusion, the legal pursuit of an impeachment trial, and efforts to delegitimize Trump’s administration at every turn.
This calculated and sophisticated campaign of misinformation, manipulation, and obstruction was designed to create a false reality to trick uneducated people to believe that Trump was guilty of actions he had not committed such as the democrat’s “Pee Pee Tape and Dossier Hoax”. Remember, Hillary Clinton and DNC even confessed to paying to finance the dossier and paid a fine to the FEC for this offense.
The key players involved in this effort manipulated intelligence, weaponized surveillance, and used legal tools to further their political goals, all while operating under the phony guise of national security concerns and severely damaged the reputations of the FBI and law enforcement.
The Legal and Criminal Implications
The individuals who perpetuated this digital insurrection stand accused of a wide range of criminal actions, including conspiracy to defraud the United States, wire fraud, perjury, obstruction of justice, and fabricating evidence. Their actions have not only undermined the legitimacy of the U.S. government but also created significant harm to the public’s trust in legal institutions.
Some of the most serious charges include:
- Conspiracy to Defraud the United States (18 U.S.C. § 371) – If multiple people worked together with the intent to defraud the government.
- Wire Fraud (18 U.S.C. § 1343) – If false information was transmitted over interstate communications with the intent to deceive and defraud.
- Obstruction of Justice (18 U.S.C. § 1503) – If someone interfered with the legal process or obstructed an investigation and/or prevented due process, civil rights, and exculpatory evidence.
- Perjury (18 U.S.C. § 1621) – If false statements were made under oath, such as in congressional testimony or to deceive Congress, judges, or juries.
- False Statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001) – If false information was knowingly given to federal investigators or during investigations.
- Fabricating Evidence (18 U.S.C. § 1512) – If someone intentionally fabricated or altered evidence to influence an investigation or proceeding (e.g., staged photos).
- Treason (18 U.S.C. § 2381) – If actions were taken to actively overthrow or harm the government, a charge of treason could theoretically apply. Example: Fake Hearsay Testimony that was debunked by Transcripts.
- Bribery or Corruption (18 U.S.C. §§ 201, 666) – If officials were bribed or corrupted to influence investigations or actions that undermined the government.
- Sedition (18 U.S.C. § 2384) – If individuals conspired to use force or unlawful means to oppose or overthrow the government.
- Insurrection (18 U.S.C. § 2383) – If an individual or group engaged in or incited an uprising against the authority of the United States government. A conviction under 18 U.S.C. § 2383 for insurrection could result in severe penalties, including fines, imprisonment for up to 10 years, and disqualification from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States. Knowingly using fake evidence to remove a U.S. president from office does, in fact, meets the legal elements to prosecute for insurrection.
On top of all these crimes, a special prosecutor could also charge offenders for submitting fake evidence to federal judges, using photos or evidence that were forged or staged, not notifying judges that the evidence was substantially fake or altered, tainted, or suppressing exculpatory evidence.
Keep in mind, when you tamper with and stage evidence, you are creating 2 crimes. 1) Tampering and falsifying evidence to government, judges, juries etc 2) Hiding the original evidence which is probably exculpatory in nature.
In Federal Law & US Courts, many criminal statutes may have been violated by “anti-Trump” offenders who used fake evidence, tainted evidence, hid exculpatory evidence, staged evidence, used demonstrably fake evidence to extort public officials, and intentionally defrauded federal judges to defraud a jury and get a conviction:
- Evidence Tampering (18 U.S. Code § 1623)
- False Declarations (18 U.S.C. § 1001)
- Not Reporting and Witness Tampering (18 U.S.C § 1503)
- False Statements (18 U.S.C. § 1001, 18 U.S.C. § 1512)
- Tampering with Records to Defraud (18 U.S. Code § 1519)
- Using Fake Records (8 U.S. Code § 1324c)
- Federal Fraud (18 U.S. Code § 1519)
- Spoliation (18 U.S. Code § 1519) – Destruction, alteration, or concealment of evidence
- Misprision of Felony (18 U.S.C § 4)
- Misprision of Treason (18 U.S.C § 2382)
- Extortion (18 U.S. Code § 1951) – Known as the Hobbs Act
Key Figures and Entities Involved
The scope of this conspiracy is vast, and numerous individuals and organizations played a role in perpetuating this fraud. High-ranking officials in the FBI, intelligence agencies, and political operatives within the Democratic Party were allegedly involved in the creation, promotion, and dissemination of fake evidence.
Figures such as James Comey, John Brennan, and Andrew McCabe are among the many who have been implicated in using their positions to further this narrative. ^8 Remember, Comey and others were reported to bandy the Fake Dossier at Trump even before he took office in 2017 in some bizarre effort to extort or control the incoming President.
Additionally, individuals connected to the Steele Dossier and the broader Russian collusion investigation, including Christopher Steele and Glenn Simpson have played critical roles in perpetuating this false narrative. These individuals, alongside others in the media and political spheres, are believed to have known or should have known that the evidence they were promoting was false.
The use of fake evidence, criminal manipulation of FISA applications, and strategic leaks to the press were all part of a broader plan to destabilize the Trump administration and disrupt the will of the American people. ^9 Remember, the FBI and their lawyer took a plea as the scapegoat for fabricating wiretap documents to federal judges but surely dozens in the FBI knew what was happening. i.e. Who listened to the wiretaps and where are the recordings?
Furthermore, there seems to have been several attempts to overthrow the US Government by leftist political operatives, governmental officials, and retired senior governmental officials. Remember in 2020, fifty-one of the USA’s top and senior intelligence agents disseminated demonstrably false and fraudulent information to influence and rig the US debates and US elections in 2020.
Again, some of these “so called” “intelligence experts” were paid government actors appearing to invent fake evidence to defraud both government and the voters to maintain power and overthrow the US Government led by President Trump. Shockingly, some of the same discredited “so called intelligence executives” were involved in both the “Russia Hoax” and this bizarre “51 Intel Expert” letter trying to influence and rig/manipulate elections, and it appears they were knowingly using means of intentional deception.
Overall, the baseless Trump-Russian Probe and the phony “51 Intel Execs Scam” was based in the use of demonstrably fake evidence to suppress and overthrow the Trump Administration and rig elections. Further, the targeting and persecution of Catholics and Pro-Life protestors was all an attack on civil rights which various crimnal tactics were used to prosecute, suppress and silence voters and dissent in the USA.
The Consequences of a Failed Government
The ramifications of this digital insurrection are far-reaching. Not only did these actions undermine the integrity of the United States government, but they also caused significant harm to the country’s economy. By creating chaos and political instability, these efforts likely hindered economic growth, costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars in lost GDP and opportunities for success.
The impact on the democratic process was equally devastating. By using fake evidence and manipulating public opinion, these operatives sought to influence elections, interfere with the political process, and remove a president from office. This was not merely a series of isolated incidents; it was a sustained, calculated effort to undermine the foundation of American democracy where the criminal fraud directly impacted both the 2018 and 2020 elections. ^10
All of these actions plus the fact that 5 states mysteriously flipped to Biden after 2020 election day was over, along with the “deep-state political actors” getting caught cheating on campaigns and debates are just a few of the reasons that people protested the election results of 2020. Remember, NO police officers died at the January 6th Capitol procession.
With 10-15 thousand people at the J6 assembly, only a handful of 87 or less people at J6 were charged with damaging government property and there is NO proof that the handful of violent attendees were not democrats or registered with any particular political party but some were exposed as undercover agents.
Sadly, Biden and Garland prosecuted thousands of those objectors, protesters, and onlookers and wasted up to $2 billion dollars on prosecuting thousands of non-violent J6 protestors that could have been used to help the poor here at home in the USA.
Looking Toward Justice
As we reflect on the events of the past several years, it is clear that the rule of law must be upheld, and those responsible for this digital insurrection must be held accountable. The perpetrators of this conspiracy used every tool at their disposal, from fabricated evidence to illegal surveillance, in an effort to subvert the will of the people and destabilize the government. It is almost as if the Anti-Trump Leftists were directly serving Putin or some “terrorist mob boss” to destroy the USA’s leadership. Their actions cannot be allowed to stand, and justice must be served.
A thorough investigation, followed by appropriate legal action, is necessary to ensure that those who sought to overthrow a democratically elected government are held accountable for their actions. The legal framework is in place to prosecute these individuals under a range of serious federal charges. Whether through direct involvement in fabricating evidence or through complicity in a broader conspiracy, those responsible for this insurrection must face the consequences of their actions.
Further, President Trump and Elon Musk have just exposed that the US government was secretly funding media channels and buying off an army of 6,000+ journalists with US taxpayer dollars so as to promote leftist news, conspiracies, and left-wing causes. To this day, we do not know if media, prosecutors, judges, or family members, or government officials were taking bribes or money to propagate this fraud on Trump and the American voters, but most would suspect there is a money trail somewhere to be found with some type of “Quid Pro Quo” or kickbacks to family members: Under 18 U.S.C. § 201(c)(1)(A) and other “commercial bribery laws” these are violations of state and federal crimes. Remember, Rod Blagojevich served 8 years in prison just for trying to negotiate the replacement of Barack Hussein Obama with a new US Senator, and when you review this digital insurrection evidence, everyone involved could get more than 8 years.
On top of all of these alleged federal crimes was the FBI raid of President Trump’s home in August 2022 with the Justice Department getting a “non-senate confirmed” “low level” magistrate to sign a search warrant based on flimsy evidence. Why didn’t Merrick Garland go to a real Federal District Judge that had Senate Confirmation to get the search warrant?
Why did Garland and Biden raid Trump’s home when they knew that many agencies were involved in packing and shipping boxes to the retired President’s home and various government agencies and departments had a duty to review and account for any document that was shipped?
To make things worse, the photos of seized documents that ended up with the Judge in Florida as submitted evidence were exposed as “phony-staged evidence” which again is another set of federal crimes that were broken. Overall, government officials were caught again creating more fake evidence to get President Trump in trouble or put in jail before he was reelected.
If you search AI Artificial Intelligence sources, it reveals the dozens if not hundreds of people involved in the Dossier Hoax, Pee Pee Tape Hoax, the bogus Impeachment using hearsay evidence, the wire taps, and other tactical weaponizing of the government against innocent citizens in violation of almost every civil rights law on the books.
Now that President Trump has been reelected in a landslide by the popular vote in 2024, the new audits of government fraud and corruption could expose and prosecute thousands of people who sought to overthrow the government, use taxpayer money for political purposes, stuff their pockets, swindle taxpayers and bankrupt this nation.
In the end, the stability of the United States government and the integrity of its democratic processes must be protected. This digital insurrection, which sought to remove a president and destabilize the government, represents a clear attack on democracy and violation of the principles upon which this nation was built. It is time for justice to be served, and those who have sought to undermine the rule of law, must be held accountable.
With President Trump about one month into his second term, the US government announced a FBI investigation of Mr. Jim Comey on Feb. 25, 2025. This is, in effect, the beginning of the criminal prosecution of anyone who tried or conspired to overthrow the government using unrestricted warfare, fake evidence, and covert government actions to undermine the US Government and leadership.
Overall, both Director Kash Patel and Deputy Director Bongino are experts in financial crimes. Thus, this new FBI leadership understands the essence of grift crimes, criminal investigations, kickback schemes, fraud and money laundering better than any FBI leadership over the last 50 years. Only time will tell, but once a domino falls, the entire cabal of fraudsters may start taking plea deals or begging for immunity.
References: FBI Director Kash Patel’s “Government Gangsters” list of individuals that he considers part of the "Deep State" may include all of the following names: Michael Atkinson, Brian Auten, John Bolton, Stephen Boyd, Joe Biden, John Brennan, John Carlin, Eric Ciaramella, Pat Cipollone, James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Elizabeth Dibble, Mark Esper, Alyssa Farah Griffin, Evelyn Farkas, Merrick Garland, Stephanie Grisham, Gina Haspel, Fiona Hill, Curtis Heide, Eric Holder, Robert Her, Cassidy Hutchinson, Nina Jankowicz, Lois Lerner, Charles Kupperman, Kenneth Mackenzie, Andrew McCabe, Ryan McCarthy, Mary McCord, Denis McDonough, Lisa Monaco, Sally Moyer, Robert Mueller, Bruce Ohr, Nellie Ohr, Lisa Page, Pat Philbin, John Podesta, Samantha Power, Bill Priestap, Susan Rice, Rod Rosenstein, Peter Strzok, Jake Sullivan, Michael Sussmann, Miles Taylor, Timothy Thibault, Andrew Weissmann, Alexander Vindman, Christopher Wray, and Sally Yates. The average researcher would probably add the names of: Lloyd Austin, James Baker, Bill Barr, Kamala Harris, and Mark Milley in this list of obstructionists or alleged promoters of fraud and fake evidence.
Additionally, there are other individuals allegedly connected to the concocting of the fraudulent Trump-Russia investigation or the legally-tainted Steele dossier: Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, David Kris, and Kevin Clinesmith.
Commissioner George Mentz JD MBA CILS CWM® is the first in the USA to rank as a Top 50 Influencer & Thought Leader in: Management, PM, HR, FinTech, Wealth Management, and B2B according to and George Mentz JD MBA CILS is a CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ®, global speaker - educator, tax-economist, international lawyer and CEO of the GAFM Global Academy of Finance & Management ®. The GAFM is a EU accredited graduate body that trains and certifies professionals in 150+ nations under standards of the: US Dept of Education, ACBSP, ISO 21001, ISO 991, ISO 29993, QAHE, ECLBS, and ISO 29990 standards. Mentz is also an award-winning author and award winning graduate law professor of wealth management of one of the top 30 ranked law schools in the USA.Mentzenborg is just a term of art to describe the theory and process by George Mentz JD MBA ChE. CWM is for Chartered Wealth Manager ® and ChE Chartered Economist ® is a credential for economics professionals.
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