Feb 4, 2025
People didn't come to Starbucks just for coffee. They went for the experience, the "third place" energy. When that evaporated, so did the magic. Competitors, both boutique coffee shops and major chains, have eagerly capitalized on Starbucks' missteps.
Dec 26, 2024
The Broken Windows theory remains a valuable framework for maintaining order and preventing crime escalation. Real-world results, not theoretical dogma, should guide effective public safety policies.
Dec 9, 2024
In the heart of the American West, Denver's progressive policies on immigration are testing the limits of municipal budgets and political resolve.
Nov 13, 2024
Universities are echo chambers. Particular viewpoints are protected, others are vilified. That undermines intellectual diversity, creating environments where empathy is offered not based on universal principles but on selective criteria that align with the institution's ideological leanings.
Oct 31, 2024
The media’s role is not to decide the election for the American people but to inform them. Unfortunately, the lopsided reporting documented in the MRC study implies that the media is inching dangerously close to overstepping this boundary.
Oct 14, 2024
Empathy is a powerful antidote to the indifference that spreads unchecked hate. The Holocaust should serve as a timeless reminder of the consequences of unchecked power. It's time to talk, because the stakes are far too high to remain silent.
Oct 1, 2024
We can either wake up and demand change, or we can continue to watch it all burn from the comfort of our homes , until one day, we realize that the fire is at our door.