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Deroy Murdock - Libertarian View

Deroy Murdock

Jul 3, 2024
Biden's Dim Debate Performance Showcased 5 Bright, Shining Lies
Biden earned the Democratic nomination, fair and square and has every right to run for re-election. He should do so without lying to the American people.

Jul 1, 2024
For Trump's VP, Tim Scott Best Choice
While some people find the former president a tad hot and strong, Scott is relaxed and soothing. Stirred together, these two would make a fine blend, and complement each other, as running mates and governing partners should.

Jun 20, 2024
Trump Is Right: Trash the Tip Tax
So, the Democratic "solution" closes businesses, kills jobs, unleashes robots, boosts prices, and repels consumers. Donald J. Trump pledges to free workers from pouring their tips into the Potomac. On Nov. 5, these visions will compete on the ballot. Choose wisely.

Jun 12, 2024
'Badfellas' Joe Biden, Robert DeNiro: Raging Peas in a Pod
Biden, 81, and DeNiro, 80, deserve each other. They are a pair of mean, cranky, decaying Democrats, gushing anger, resentment, and hate at their political opponents. In a word, "Badfellas."

Jun 10, 2024
One Justice System? Why Not Two?
America’s new, two-track justice system might be perfectly natural: One for the left, in which they suffer few consequences, if any, for their misdeeds, and one for the right, in which arrests, trials, and prison sentences are routine.

May 31, 2024
Democrats Are Capitol Hill's True Extremists, Not Republicans
Next time Joe Biden and his Democratic Party comrades foam at their mouths about "extreme, mega-MAGA Republicans," they should study ILA’s irrefutable statistics and buy mirrors, so they can stare at Capitol Hill’s genuine extremists.

May 23, 2024
Carter Page Finds Trump Trial Eerily Familiar
Page considers the scene in Judge Juan Merchan’s courtroom just the latest episode in the relentless persecution of the former president and his supporters. This began virtually the day that the real-estate magnate declared his candidacy.

May 15, 2024
Could a Manhattan Jury Acquit Trump?
if "lurid, but legal" reflects the opinions of 12 of my fellow Manhattanites, who tend to be tough, but fair, then President Donald J. Trump will be acquitted on all charges and go back where he belongs, the campaign trail.

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