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Ralph Benko - Opulence Through Capitalism

Ralph Benko

Jul 1, 2024
Why Biden Should Keep Running
As we now celebrate Harry Truman’s dignity, let’s not overlook Joe Biden’s ... whether he has your vote or not.

Jun 26, 2024
Sanity Behind Louisiana's Actions on Ten Commandments, Bill of Rights
Louisiana just mandated the posting of the Ten Commandments in all public school classrooms. The left erupted in fury.

Jun 19, 2024
The Sooner We Recognize Left's Rules of Engagement the Better
Many of my fellow card-carrying members of the Columnist Party write about "the culture wars," the social issues. These issues may indeed prove crucial to the outcome of the 2024 elections.

Jun 12, 2024
To Win, Conservatives Must Learn Key Elements of Persuasion
While snowflakes both left and right whine about "big" money in politics, billionaire Rep. David Trone, D-Md., just spent $62 million to lose the primary election for U.S. senator from Maryland to a county executive, Angela Alsobrooks, despite his outspending her 9-1.

Jun 6, 2024
We Can Learn From Trump's Rhetorical Superpowers
Trump is no real archconservative’s idea of a conservative. That said, his mastery of narrative and declaration rival or exceed that of our archenemies, the “progressives.”

May 29, 2024
Can Less Punitive Prosecution Actually Win War on Drugs?
A misdemeanor, or even civil violation, carrying a whopping fine , one proportionate to the family’s income , would deter … without destroying the kid’s life, aborting the enforcement process.

May 20, 2024
Could Taxes, Tariffs Dim Dow's Bright Future?
To Biden and Trump, aspiring tariff warriors, I caution you. "Tariff" is just a euphemism for taxes on imported goods, taxes to be ultimately paid by customers, you and me, not by the suppliers.

May 9, 2024
U.S. Made Commitment to Ukraine Decades Ago, Lets Honor It
Let America honor its solemn commitment to Ukraine’s security and sovereignty now and in the future, world without end. This is a matter of honor, American prestige, and American national security, and America’s interests.

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