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Open the RNC's Books - Now

(Lee Chee Keong/

By Monday, 18 March 2024 04:06 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

Cutting off the head of the Republican National Committee (RNC) is a great beginning, but it's not enough.

A new RNC team must conduct a full forensic audit of the financial expenditures under the prior regime, to provide accountability and transparency to our donors, those small and large.

Seemingly, there are numerous anomalies in the expenditures  — ranging from questionable lavishness in travel and entertainment of RNC officials and their staff, to candidates selected for support, and raising funds from donors for specific purposes, but then not actually expending dollars on those stated purposes.

For example, the defense of President Donald J. Trump during the investigation into the 2020 election  millions were raised by the RNC specifically for this purpose, but not a dime was spent on former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani and his legal team and in support of these critical efforts, at the direction of RNC leadership.

For those who are familiar with the Greek and Roman mythology monster Hydra, who was said to be positioned atop the lake, which served as the entrance to the underworld, when one head was cut off, two more heads would grow in its place.

This is an apt analogy for the swamp that is Washington, D.C.

The Hydra that embodies the Washington game can't be understated.

Its tentacles reach throughout the political game, twisting around Capitol Hill, lobbying and law firms, trade associations, and entrenched bureaucrats.

Those tentacles are equally imbedded in the revolving door realities of: same people, different day; coupled with the forever-present understanding of: "You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours."

Favor-trading is Washington, D.C.'s favorite pastime.

People are elevated politically so that they can be attractive to the private sector, paid handsomely, and then recirculated back into high-level political jobs.

It's rinse and repeat.

This is how James B. Comey went from Hong Kong Shanghai Bank of China (HSBC) to FBI director  his career path begs incredulity.

But it also explains how a recent senior presidential adviser now pitches for TikTok, even after the current FBI Director Chris Wray voiced serious concerns in recent congressional hearings over how TikTok poses a serious threat to U.S. national security.

Has RNC has been a hub of self-serving, profit-seekers?

It’s a moveable feast that would leave Ernest Hemingway gaping in amazement: luxuriant spending "private jets, limos, luxury retreats, broadway shows.

It's time that we bring all of this to account. We must conduct an independent financial forensic audit of the RNC’s expenditures during the tenure off the prior RNC regime.

Where was money spent?

To which consultants, vendors, and law firms?

If there were expenditures there were those orgnizations and individuals properly vetted?

Were they proven to have the best interests of the party, the most viable candidates, and the president himself first and foremost?

What were the standards for selecting the people who were paid by the donations of our hard-working conservative women and men?

Was there accountability for their efforts and results?

Or is it just a pay-to-play scheme that has lived on despite the removal of so many former heads of the Hydra?

We simply must have accountability and transparency.

President Donald J. Trump brought this to us in his first presidency.

He brought economic prosperity, regulatory sanity via proportionate reduction of regulations, global stability, decreased wars, increased employmen and wages, as well as safe, secure national borders cities and schools.

Accountability and transparency matter.

Americans deserve this in all aspects of their government.

U.S. donors to the RNC deserve this with regard to where their hard-earned dollars have been and are spent now.

We must clarify the past, to earn the trust of our supporters in the future.

As the head investigator for President Trump’s legal team I know he stands for the rule of law, as well as its equal application.

Take out the Washington, D.C. Hydra. Open the books. Now.

Bernard B. Kerik was the 40th Police Commissioner of the New York City Police Department and is a New York Times bestselling author. Read Bernard Kerik's Reports — More Here.

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For those who are familiar with the Greek and Roman mythology monster Hydra, who was said to be positioned atop the lake, which served as the entrance to the underworld, when one head was cut off, two more heads would grow in its place.
comey, hsbc, tiktok
Monday, 18 March 2024 04:06 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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