'Equity Language' Renders True Patriots Unequal


By Monday, 08 May 2023 04:02 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

"Pretty words aren’t always true and true words aren’t always pretty."

— Lao Tzu (c. 500 BC)

As a writer-journalist words are very important to me.

I can excruciate over which one is just right for eons.

So, when anyone makes demands of others to change their words or start using other words, well . . .  those are fighting words.

The Democrats-Communists are moving forward inexorably on their word/thought police strategy.

If I dictate the words you must use, I control your mind. It’s been going on for decades.

If America-loving patriots like using the word "patriot" that references the brave men who started our country, then that’s too bad for these cowardly whiners.

The word itself conjures up images of George Washington, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, and so many others and that, the imagery, is what the corrupt, power-hungry Dem-left really hate.

Oh sorry, I used the word "hate" there.

Really, I apologize profusely.

According to the liberal buffoons I know, they don’t use the word hate and they won’t allow us to either. They assure us they "don’t hate." What abject liars they are.

Even when they are the ones that are violently hating on Trump, his supporters, conservative thought, and any kind of anti-abortion, pro-liberty, free speech, factual science that proves a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl … still, they carry on with their foolishness.

This highlights what America’s enemies really want to accomplish with the constant scolding and smearing of genuine American patriots.

They want everything we say, classified as "hate speech."

In this way, they can censor us, prosecute and jail us and destroy our lives.

They call it "cancel culture" … sounds so harmless, doesn’t it?

It’s nothing of the sort.

It’s a Marxist, Alinskyite, despicable activity, specially designed to destroy this country from within by loosening and prying out the bedrock of free speech and liberty from our nation.

What in the world is going on when four words are so hated and the people who use them are smeared? Make. America. Great. Again.

It’s patently obvious making America great again is something they do not want.

We have already been outlawed from using the simple, descriptive and direct word "abortion." They demand, these ferociously stupid people, that we all (as if all other Americans must take orders from them) use "pro-life."

Obviously, the inanity of this is staring us all in the face: if we are pro-life, and who in their right mind wouldn’t be, then conversely, they are certainly the "pro-death" party.

Now, they are trying — but losing — to enforce the words "reproductive rights" and “women’s healthcare.” As if the murder of babies in the womb is part of the Bill of Rights.

This simmering cauldron of Communist poison commissioned a “Stanford Guide to Acceptable Words.” See what they did there? “Banned words” was perverted into “acceptable words.” As if.

No illegal immigrant, only "undocumented person" is acceptable.

No "master bedroom."

No "blind study."

No "gangbusters." A word I love.

No "Americans," if you can believe that. Only "U.S. citizens"will do.

That last one, of course, helps the left destroy “America.”

The whole pronoun debacle and transvestite ideology are also an example of their word-tyranny. The omnipresent Jordan Peterson became the world’s most-viewed person on YouTube based on this imbecilic issue alone.

Remember when it all started? Manhole cover became a "person-hole" cover.

We were banned from using mankind which became "humanity."

The longtime word Hispanic was proscribed as "Latino," then "Latinx" was crammed down our throats. The Hispanic community reacted quickly with anger and disdain.

The human-ending demand they are now enforcing is "gender-affirming care."

It’s not about gender. It’s not about affirming. And it definitely isn’t about care of any kind.

It’s all about population control. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger, Margaret Sanger, Woodrow Wilson, Stalin, Adolf Hitler and of course — Satan himself.

Even the clueless, throat organ for Marxism in America, The Atlantic wrote an article entitled, "The Moral Case Against Equity Language."

The most important reason that they have imposed an insane definition to turn the word "patriot" into a pejorative is that it ties into their sick strategy for the endgame of the J6 Fedsurrection.

They are moving to totally demonize and fearmonger the very people, with the same values and integrity as America’s Founders. 

Right now, in America, there’s a great groundswell: the pop-up Patriot Groups.

Patriots across our land are so sick and tired of being corralled and locked down, belittled and besmirched, name-called and lied about that they are starting small groups, often beginning in their living rooms that grow and grow into Churches and classrooms.

Our great patriot majority yearns to be with those like-minded people who share their morals, their pride and their real love for America.

These groups are a real threat to the continued demolition of our country by a small minority, likely less than one percent, of simps, incels and losers.

Their next step?

To extend their word demands to full-on censorship. We’ve been seeing it for years already.

And that’s what these very sick people want. Across the board of patriotism, they work to extinguish us by controlling our words, then our thoughts.

"I’m not upset that you lied to me. I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you."

-Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Bill Robinson has appeared on Fox News, CNN, PBS, Bloomberg, BBC and had his own segment on SKY News. For seven years was the only Conservative columnist for the Huffington Post. He has written columns and articles for The Wall Street Journal Europe, Forbes.com, Fortune Small Business, The Financial Times, The Moscow Times, United Airline's Hemispheres Magazine and many others. Bill may be reached at: bill@relentlessmarketing.com. Read More of Bill Robinson's Reports — Here.

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Patriots across our land are so sick and tired of being corralled and locked down, belittled and besmirched, name-called and lied about that they are starting small groups, often beginning in their living rooms that grow and grow into churches and classrooms.
person, reproductive, rights
Monday, 08 May 2023 04:02 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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