Biden, Pontius Pilate Both Weak and Divisive

Mosaic of Jesus and Pontius Pilate. It is located in the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood in St. Petersburg, Russia. Jesus is depicted appearing before Pontius Pilate on Good Friday. (Jorisvo/

By Monday, 01 April 2024 01:02 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

Morality and courage come in many forms.

As Americans, we’ve seen it often.

From the morality and courage of President Ronald Reagan to the spineless behavior of Joe Biden. May we learn from both examples as we learn about the courage and perfection of Jesus Christ.

And as the Bible says, "Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord," Psalm 31:24.

We were sitting in church on Maundy Thursday when I had a sudden revelation — in a manner of speaking; Joe Biden is the Pontius Pilate of the 21st century.

Like Pontius Pilate, Biden sold his soul for the sake of the crowd.

He has also forsaken his principles much like Judas sold out Christ for 30 pieces of silver.

Ethics were foreign to Pilate.

Biden has sold out Israel, placating the left-wing antisemites on college campuses.

He certainly sold out millions of unborn babies as a pro-abortion rights president.

The result?

He has traded trading human lives for a few measly votes.

Now, to add insult to injury — especially during global observances this past Easter Sunday, he more-than-seemingly went out of his way to honor, not Jesus and the Resurrection, but alternative lifestyles.

Understandably conservatives, especially Christians, were outraged.

Ask yourself this: "How does this truly unify our nation?"

Returning to Pilate, many all-too-well remember his role in history.

He's the weakling politician who bowed to the angry crowd and allowed Christ to be crucified, even as Pilate knew Christ was innocent, earning him a large place in history as a cowardly career bureaucrat.

Biden demonstrates his weakness every day.

Christ spent years preaching and proselytizing, harming no one, but was an anti-establishment threat to the twin power structures of the Roman Empire and business interests in Jerusalem.

His message of "love thy neighbor" and "do unto others" was winning converts and he developed his own following of disciples and acolytes.

Pilate, the career politician was, unlike Christ, born to wealth and was an elitist..

He was the chief defender of the status quo.

Clearly, Christ was a threat to that status quo.

In symbolically "washing his hands" of how to deal with Christ, the gutless politician would neither save Christ earning him the enmity of history — nor take on the responsibility of killing him, much like the cowardly Biden.

Cowards, Shakespeare said, die many times before they actually die. Pilate died ignobly, purportedly by suicide.

His grave long forgotten.

His only claim to fame was the notice which comes when a politician takes the spineless way out when confronted with the life of an innocent man.

In due course Biden will also depart this earth — as we all will, bu he will be remembered most for his weak, divisive presidency — notable for being a coward, of lacking even the semblance of a soul.

Biden will shortly shuffle of this mortal coil, towards that undiscovered country, unloved, with few mourners, a miserable figure of history.

Even in the face of Biden’s eventual unremarkable passing, Ghandi said, "In in the midst of darkness, light persists."

Craig Shirley is the Chairman of Citizens for the Republic, as well as a Ronald Reagan biographer and presidential historian having written six books on Reagan. He's also written The New York Times bestseller, "December, 1941" and also published the companion book, "April, 1945." He's also the author of the book "Mary Ball Washington," which won the People’s Choice Award from the Library of Virginia. His book on the 1980 presidential campaign, "Rendezvous with Destiny" was named by The Wall Street Journal as one of the five best campaign books of all time. Read Craig Shirley's Reports — More Here.

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We all remember Pilate's role in history. He's the weakling politician who bowed to the angry crowd and allowed Christ to be crucified, even as Pilate knew Christ was innocent, earning him a large place in history as a cowardly career bureaucrat.
christ, jerusalem, easter
Monday, 01 April 2024 01:02 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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