Trump Surprises Pelosi and Schumer, Exposes Democratic Playbook

(From L to R) presumptive Speaker, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Vice President Mike Pence, President Donald Trump, and Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) wait for a meeting at the White House December 11, 2018, in Washington, D.C. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images)

By Friday, 14 December 2018 03:47 PM EST ET Current | Bio | Archive

The Democratic leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, recently met with President Trump to discuss the “wall” and the pending government shutdown.

If you listen to the video, you can hear the Democratic playbook at work.

Just to remind my readers, the “playbook” is the order from the Democrats as to how the Republicans are supposed to act when they are challenged by them.

If you listen, Nancy Pelosi tells the president he has two options and he needs to choose one of them. She is telling him, "We have decided what your options are, so now you choose.”

Pelosi said before she went into the meeting she was not going to support the construction of the wall.

Knowing that she was not going to compromise and believing, based on the playbook, that she and the Democrats were in charge, she was certain the president would blink. He didn’t. I would like to know why Nancy Pelosi’s house has a wall around it. Who is she trying to keep out?

It was clear by the president’s reaction that he will shut down the government without funding for the wall. This was not what Chuck and Nancy were expecting. In fact, when the president said that he would shut down the government and will take the hit for the decision, they both became flustered.

They went in so confident that they had cornered the president and he would have to agree to their terms, that their shock was visible when the president took responsibility. Once again, the Democrats find themselves in the same position they were a year ago when they made demands and the president said no, and the government was shut down. The Democrats surrendered in just three days.

Clearly, the Democrats have made a mistake again; they are not choosing the safety and protection of Americans citizens, but are taking a stand in favor of illegal immigrants. The timing of the Democrats couldn’t be worse for them, as the Daily Mail reports a quote from one of the caravan leaders, “Give us $50,000 each to go home.”

The Trump power play against the playbook is not sitting well with Democrats, especially since most of the supporters of President Trump favor the wall. Nancy is saying a wall is archaic, but if that is true, why is it that at least five European nations have built some type of wall to try and stop illegal immigration?

I suspect that the networks that broadcasted the meeting did not anticipate the fireworks. The Democrats wanted the cameras to be turned off as quickly as possible once Trump challenged the Democratic leadership.

For over two years, the Democrats have done everything they could to destroy the relationship between the president and his base. In fact, though, and according to Investors Business Daily, Gallup reports his approval rate is the same as Obama for the same period of time. With the Washington Post reporting that 91 percent of the mainstream media coverage is negative against Trump, it is genuinely amazing that his approval rating is where it’s at.

I think that Americans will choose to support the president in shutting down the government in order to build the wall. The current budget has over one trillion dollars in discretionary spending, and the president wants $4.6 billion for the wall. If the budget expenditure is minimal, then why do the Democrats oppose the wall? The answer is simple: a walled border restricts illegal immigrants from coming into our country.

The Democrats are choosing to favor illegal immigrants over us. Let's see who blinks first. My guess is the Democrats will form a focus group testing their position as well as other American reactions. My opinion is they will find it a loser. Look for them to blink.

Dan Perkins is an author of both thrillers and children’s books. He appears on over 1,100 radio stations. Mr. Perkins appears regularly on international TV talk shows, he is current events commentator for seven blogs, and a philanthropist with his foundation for American veterans, Songs and Stories for Soldiers, Inc. More information about him, his writings, and other works are available on his website, To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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The Democratic leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, recently met with President Trump to discuss the “wall” and the pending government shutdown.
trump, nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, wall, border
Friday, 14 December 2018 03:47 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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