Appeasement No Answer for Israel, Doing What's Right Is

(Emanuilov Shabtay/

By Thursday, 23 May 2024 02:47 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

Israel must stop trying to appease the world and start doing what is right for its safety.

Israel as a nation has the right to defend itself against any threat and protect its citizens from harm.

The global community failed to stand with Israel and support its efforts to ensure its security and survival.

Did Europe forget World War II?

Did it forget that its territories were invaded, and its citizens were slaughtered?

The world responded in an uproar.

Many nations of the world rose up to fight those who invaded their land, invasions which resulted in killing tens of millions of innocent civilians.

Moving forward by decades, we know that Israel was attacked on Oct.7, 2023.

The Nazi slaughter of six million Jews during the time of the Holocaust, of the last century, serves as a tragically horrific backdrop to what happened on Oct. 7 of last year.

Hamas attacked, murdered, and kidnapped over 1,200 men women and children simply because they were Jews, espousing the myth they wanted Israeli occupied land for Palestinians, which never existed in the first place.

Towns and villages were burned, while women and children were ravaged.

In the name of what?

Does the world not know about World War II: how the allies responded to attacks on their countries?

The recent moment of silence held by the UN for Iran's president, a known butcher and mass murderer, speaks volumes about the organization's true intentions.

This act of holding a moment of silence demonstrates the UN's solidarity with antisemitism and terror and is a glaring display of support for those who seek to harm the Jewish people.

Only a fool can turn a blind eye to the truth.

Is the recent helicopter crash in Iran that killed President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian a sign of divine retribution?

Iran's leaders continually call for the destruction of the Jews, and now some of them have met their end.

It serves as a stark warning to all nations who harbor ill intentions towards the Jewish people. No one is safe from the wrath of a higher moral and spiritual force, and no one can escape the consequences of their actions.

The Jews, protected by that higher moral and spiritual force, will always prevail.

The fate of Iran's leadership is a stark reminder that no one can escape their judgment day.

Not the UN, not the ICC, and certainly not any nation that claims to condemn Israel while supporting Iran, Hamas and their proxies.

The moment of silence held by the UN and its member nations honoring the "Butcher of Iran" is a deafening roar, one way louder than the noise of an atomic explosion of the world’s approval for Iran and Hamas, despite Iran's abhorrent record of human rights abuses.

It's a shameful display of the UN's hypocrisy.

Hamas, a Palestinian militant group, has prioritized violence and terror tactics over the well-being of the Palestinian people.

If Hamas truly cared about Palestinians, they would not invest in building cities underground for the purpose of carrying out attacks, but rather focus on building thriving cities and skyscrapers above ground for economic growth and stability.

With the hundreds of billions of dollars in aid received from the West, Hamas could have potentially transformed the lives of Palestinians in a most positive way.

Moreover, it is worth noting that while certain Arab nations vocally condemn Israel for its treatment of Palestinians, they themselves have not taken in a significant number of Palestinian refugees. This raises questions about their true commitment to the Palestinian cause.

Additionally, the recent actions of South Africa, a country that once fought against oppression and injustice under the leadership of Nelson Mandela, are disheartening.

Instead of upholding principles of democracy and supporting peace, South Africa has been at the forefront of engaging in corrupt practices and supporting terrorism.

It's important for the world to seek the truth and not fall into the trap of scapegoating the Jewish people every global problem.

Israel, despite facing numerous challenges, has made significant contributions to the world in various fields such as medicine and technology. It is time to acknowledge and appreciate these achievements, rather than unfairly blaming Israel for all Mideast regional conflicts.

Despite all the violence and aggression directed towards Israel, the international community often criticizes Israel for defending itself and protecting its citizens. This double standard is not only unfair but also dangerous for the safety of Israel and its people.

The international community refuses to recognize the unique challenges and threats that Israel faces daily.

The nation is surrounded by hostile neighbors who seek its destruction, it's also surrounded by terrorist organizations who are dedicated to causing chaos and violence. Israel can never let its guard down as a result.

Concurrently, the global community must stop trying to dictate Israel's security policies and instead work together to find ways to address the root causes of the conflict in the Mideast.

In the end, righteousness will always triumph over evil. And those who stand with the Jewish people will be blessed; those who seek Israel's harm will face swift and just punishment.

Only a fool would deny the power of divine justice.

Duvi Honig is founder and chief executive officer of the Orthodox Jewish Chamber Of Commerce. The Orthodox Jewish Chamber Of Commerce is a global umbrella of businesses of all sizes, bridging the highest echelons of the business and governmental worlds together stimulating economic opportunity and positively affecting public policy of governments. His work has been recognized by both Presidents Obama and Trump. Read more of his reports — Here.

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Only a fool would deny the power of divine justice.
Thursday, 23 May 2024 02:47 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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