Declare Information Independence: How to Stop Helping People Who Dislike You


By Thursday, 15 July 2021 12:05 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

The technology sector’s leftward shift has accelerated. That’s what happens in an echo-chamber: With no one left to voice an opposing opinion, things drift further in a given direction. In the past six months, Big Tech censorship — Twitter deplatforming, Facebook warning about “extremists” and putting conservatives on timeout, Amazon removing books it disagrees with — is moving at light speed.

Silicon Valley was once made up of smart people who just wanted to build exciting technology and get rich off it as capitalists do. But it’s now a bastion of the woke left: safe spaces, workplace yoga classes, and political purity tests. Don’t take my word for it, Google the name James Demore. Or just check out any of the social media profiles for someone who works at Apple, Google, Facebook, or Twitter. Would you be allowed to work in the same room as them?

If you’re not woke, Silicon Valley hates you and may be looking for a reason to censor and cancel you. They hate the things you believe in, the holidays you celebrate, and the way you vote. They hate your guns, they hate your trucks, and they hate that you still eat hamburgers. Mmmmm...hamburgers. If it was up to them, you’d live in a tiny yurt, eat fake meat made from weeds and bugs, and drive a Prius. Or not drive anywhere at all.

But Big Tech loves one thing about you: your data. Your data is a steady stream of cash every second of every day. Every time you log in to one of their apps from one of their phones, you turn on a pipeline that flows from your fingertips straight into their wallets. Every time you click on something, look at something, or type something, that information is monetized, sold, and weaponized against you.

So how do you get the leeches off of you? It’s simple: use a device they can’t control. Up to now that didn’t exist, but the Freedom Phone is here. Erik Finman, the world’s youngest bitcoin millionaire, is the brains behind the world’s first free speech smartphone. The Freedom Phone is all about free speech. It has a secure operating system, FreedomOS, and its own app store, PatriApp. By using the new Freedom Phone, you eliminate all of the backdoors Big Tech uses to creepily monitor and monetize you and your family and your data. Finman and his team built it to resist Silicon Valley and give you control over your own data.

What about the specs? They’re impressive: 64 gigs of expandable storage, a big 4150 mAh battery, USB-C connection, 6.3” HD display, and dual SIM card slots. It’s all run by an Octa-Core processor and it has front and rear-facing cameras. But the best part is the Freedom Phone stops Big Tech from playing Big Brother.

If someone insulted your family and hoped to see you lose your job, you’d probably cut them out of your life. But when it comes to the purple and pink-hairs in Silicon Valley, we tend to stick our heads in the sand. We just keep on playing their game. We can’t afford to do that anymore; every bit of data we give them is turned against us. Amazon proved when it canceled Parler that freedom-loving people need more than good political ideas. We need our own hardware too. Finman says some of Freedom Phone’s profits will even be set aside to back election integrity laws.

The Freedom Phone can break the trend, cut off the flow, and retake control of our data. It’s out of the hands of Silicon Valley, away from their prying eyes. Declare information independence. Stop helping people who hate you, and start helping people who support you.

Dan Perkins is an author of both thrillers and children’s books. He appears on over 1,100 radio stations. Mr. Perkins appears regularly on international TV talk shows, he is current events commentator for seven blogs, and a philanthropist with his foundation for American veterans, Songs and Stories for Soldiers, Inc. More information about him, his writings, and other works are available on his website, 

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The technology sector's leftward shift has accelerated. That's what happens in an echo-chamber: With no one left to voice an opposing opinion, things drift further in a given direction. In the past six months, Big Tech censorship - Twitter deplatforming, Facebook warning...
freedom phone, erik finman, big tech
Thursday, 15 July 2021 12:05 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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