Biden's Debate Performance Will Hit National Security Hardest

U.S. President Joe Biden speaks to supporters gathered on the tarmac upon his arrival at Raleigh-Durham International Airport in Morrisville, North Carolina, early on June 28, 2024. (Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images)

By Friday, 28 June 2024 12:32 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

The results are in on Thursday’s presidential debate. There is bipartisan agreement that President Joe Biden bombed and former President Donald Trump dominated the evening.

Now the mainstream media can’t use the "deep fake" excuse to mislead Americans about what they saw with their own eyes last night.

Biden was incoherent, lost his train of thought and appeared confused.

Americans saw a president showing obvious signs of significant decline in mental acuity.

Our 46th president offered no believable defenses for his record as president.

In fact, those defenses made no sense.

He failed to respond to so-called "layup" questions which would have scored him easy points. He demurred in rebutting devastating attacks by Mr. Trump, especially Trump’s repeated arguments that the huge influx of illegal migrants caused by Biden’s open southern border is destroying social security.

Biden’s failure to answer this charge probably will hurt him with older Americans, one of the only voting blocks where he holds an advantage over Trump.

This debate greatly increases Donald Trump’s chances of winning the 2024 presidential election. Democrats know this and are now in an appreciable, if not vociferous, panic mode.

The debate outcome also may seriously endanger American national security because our enemies saw an extremely weak and distracted president last night who they believe will be succeeded by a much stronger president next January who will reassert American leadership and power.

The most immediate national security consequence of Biden’s debate disaster will be a surge in illegal immigration, drugs, hostile intelligence agents, and terrorists coming across America’s unprotected southern border.

The Mexican cartels will rush to cash on the final months of the Biden presidency by bringing huge numbers of migrants and fentanyl into the U.S. before a re-elected President Trump closes the southern border next January.

Terrorist groups and hostile intelligence services will move quickly to get their operatives into the U.S. by illegally crossing the southern border.

The implications of America’s enemies stepping up their efforts to exploit Biden’s refusal to secure our southern border could have grave consequences for our national security.

We have recently seen a surge in crime by illegal immigrants. Trump called this the "Biden migrant crime" during the debate.

This includes the recent rape and murder of a 12-year-old girl, Jocelyn Nungaray, in Houston by two illegal migrants from Venezuela.

Eight suspected ISIS members from Tajikistan who illegally crossed the southern border recently were arrested in New York City, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia.

An estimated 22,000 Chinese nationals illegally entered the U.S. since October, a significant number of which likely are Chinese intelligence agents.

According to a Heritage Foundation report, this number is normally a few hundred to 2,000 per year.

America’s major nation-state adversaries — Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea — are celebrating Biden’s dismal debate performance.

They know the global perception of a weak American president does not just damage America’s global leadership, it also undermines the current Western-dominated, rules-based world order.

I therefore expect these states will strengthen their growing "axis" alliance.

The relationship between Russia and China and between Russia and North Korea will grow closer. More Iranian and North Korean and Iranian arms will go to Russia for the war in Ukraine.

There will be more joint Russian and Chinese military exercises, possibly including Iran and North Korea. North Korea could conduct a seventh nuclear test this year.

Chinese aggression against Taiwan and in the South China Sea will surge. Russia and China will work hard over the next seven months to peel off American allies and undermine the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Terrorist groups will also try to take advantage of the global power vacuum caused by the weak and distracted president they saw in Thursday’s debate.

Hezbollah will up their missile attacks on Israel and might start a full-scale war. Hamas will double down on its refusal to agree to a settlement with Israel that frees the hostages they took last October.

Iran will continue to expand its nuclear weapons program and support for its terrorist proxies in the Mideast.

Expect an increased number of deadly missile attacks against shipping by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Joe Biden was not competent to be president in 2020 but was engineered into the office by political operatives, the mainstream media, intelligence officers, and others because of their hatred of President Trump.

The mainstream media didn’t vet Biden on domestic and foreign policy issues during the 2020 campaign and have protected him from scrutiny on these issues throughout his presidency.

This charade collapsed last night at the debate.

The end result is that if Joe Biden leaves office next January, he will leave behind a much more dangerous and unstable world for his successor. Biden’s debate debacle is another lesson why U.S. presidential elections matter for American and global security.

Fred Fleitz is a Vice Chair of the America First Policy Institute’s Center for American Security and a Newsmax TV Contributor. He previously served as National Security Council Chief of staff, CIA analyst, and as a member of the House Intelligence Committee staff. Read more of his reports — Click Here Now.

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The debate outcome may seriously endanger American national security because our enemies saw an extremely weak and distracted president last night who they believe will be succeeded by a much stronger president who will reassert American leadership and power.
cartels, drugs, mexican
Friday, 28 June 2024 12:32 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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