Morning Coffee Is Best for Health

By Friday, 07 February 2025 11:59 AM EST ET Current | Bio | Archive

More than half of Americans agree with the statement, "Coffee is pure pleasure to me." So it’s no wonder one-third of people drink an estimated three to five cups a day.

While they love it as a pick-me-up, a source of warmth, and a morning ritual, they may not know what it’s doing when it gets inside them.

A new study in the journal Nature Microbiology shows that people who drink coffee (decaf too) have six times more health-promoting L. asaccharolyticus bacteria in their gut than non-drinkers.

This particular bacterium is important for helping defend against viral infections, inflammation, and diabetes. It may also slow the progression of cancer and reduce pain.

What’s the best way to get these remarkable benefits? Drink your coffee in the morning.

That's the conclusion of another study that found people who mostly have their cuppa joe in the morning lower their risk of death from all causes. But those who drink coffee all day long don't see the benefits.

To pour these health gains into your day, remember: Do not add sugars, syrups, or full-fat dairy to the coffee. Stick with unsweetened soy or oat milk if you need creamer.

And drink filtered coffee (use the brown paper filters) to avoid the LDL cholesterol-boosting effects of unfiltered coffee.

Another hot tip: Opt for loose tea brewed with an infuser to avoid the microplastics that tea bags may contain.

© King Features Syndicate

A new study in the journal Nature Microbiology shows that people who drink coffee have six times more health-promoting L. asaccharolyticus bacteria in their gut than non-drinkers.
coffee, cancer, diabetes, dr. oz
Friday, 07 February 2025 11:59 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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