Nuts and seeds are a good choice if you want to boost your brain power. That’s because of their healthy fats, fiber and antioxidants that support overall physical and mental well-being, says Dr. Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychiatrist and author of This is Your Brain on Food.
In addition to their brain power, nuts and seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, which help reduce inflammation, promote heart health and fuel muscle maintenance and repair, according to AARP.
Some of the best nuts and seeds for brain health include:
• Walnuts. These versatile nuts shaped like a miniature brain are rich in alpha-linolenic acid or ALA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid crucial for brain health as well as being chock full of protein and fiber. Walnuts contain more ALA than any other nut.
• Almonds: These tasty nuts are the best source of Vitamin E, which may help to prevent cognitive decline. They also contain magnesium which can help reduce stress.
• Cashews. Delicious cashews contain over 80 ingredients that help increase oxygen flow to the brain. They are naturally good sources of fiber, protein, brain-boosting minerals and healthy fats.
• Flaxseeds. These seeds are an excellent source of ALA that supports brain function. Use ground flaxseed to maximize absorption.
• Pumpkin seeds. Packed with antioxidants and magnesium, they promote healthy brain cell function. They are also a rich source of manganese, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. A daily handful of pumpkin seeds also provides zinc that helps enhance memory, according to the Institute for Functional Health.
• Sunflower seeds. These are rich in both mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids and contain several brain-boosting vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, C, B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and zinc. They also contain tryptophan, which helps the brain produce the calming neurotransmitter serotonin.
Remember that nuts are high in calories so limit each serving to about one ounce or ¼ cup daily. That’s about 23 almonds or 14 walnut halves. Incorporating these nuts and seeds into your diet can provide essential nutrients that may enhance brain function, improve memory, and protect against cognitive decline.