Thanks to Biden-Harris, World Is on Fire

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By Tuesday, 06 August 2024 12:37 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.)

When President Donald Trump left office, there was peace throughout the world. Today, there are ongoing wars in several regions of the world and other conflicts could escalate into war at any time.

While Trump was President, Russia did not invade any countries, in contrast to what happened during the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.

Obviously, Russian President Vladimir Putin noticed a vast difference once Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took over.

In August of 2021, the United States demonstrated tremendous weakness during the withdrawal of our military forces from Afghanistan. The debacle resulted in the death of 13 American military heroes and billions of dollars in military equipment left behind for the use of the Taliban terrorist regime.

While the Biden-Harris administration displayed such impotence and rewarded our enemies, Putin decided to invade Ukraine in 2022. Sadly, the bloody war is still raging.

Although Russia faced sanctions due to their invasion, both China and North Korea have shown steadfast support. During the Trump administration, China was reeling from severe tariffs and tough trade deals. During the Biden-Harris administration, China once again started to aggressively threaten Taiwan and display military adventurism throughout Asia.

As President, Donald Trump developed a good relationship with the dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong Un. In response, the belligerent behavior by the “Hermit Kingdom” subsided.

Unfortunately, upon the onset of the Biden-Harris administration, North Korea changed course and began firing “test” missiles toward their neighbors. The latest tests occurred several weeks ago and culminated in a missile carrying a “4.5-tonne” warhead.

North Korea is also furnishing military equipment to the Russians, while the Ukrainians are largely supported by the United States, which is supplying their military with more aid than the rest of the world combined.

After the latest congressional authorization, a total of $175 billion in American aid and military equipment has been sent to Ukraine. This funding will keep increasing with no end in sight if Kamala Harris is elected president. Fortunately, President Trump has vowed to end the war quickly if he is elected again.

Another accomplishment of the Trump presidency was the tough economic sanctions placed on Iran. This significantly impaired their ability to fund terrorist organizations, like Hamas and Hezbollah. Thus, Israel was not invaded during the Trump presidency.

Regrettably, this progress was halted in the Biden-Harris administration, which reduced economic sanctions on Iran. As the funds started flowing into the coffers of the radical mullahs in Iran, the world’s largest terrorism benefactor, their extremist Islamic proxies benefitted as well.

One of these Islamic terrorist organizations, Hamas, attacked Israel on October 7, 2023 and killed 1,200 innocent people. It was the worst terror attack on Israeli soil since the founding of the country in 1948.

In response, Israel attacked Hamas in the Gaza Strip and has had to respond to terrorist strikes from Hezbollah and the Houthis, other Iranian backed terrorist groups.

For example, on July 27, 12 children were killed in a Golan Heights playground. Israel blames Hezbollah for the rocket attack. Prior to that incident, Hezbollah had killed 35 civilians and soldiers in missile strikes launched after the October 7 attack by Hamas.

In response, Israel killed Hezbollah commander, Fuad Shukr, in Lebanon. The next day, Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, was killed by a bomb planted in a guesthouse in Tehran, Iran. In a terror attack labeled a “natural response” by Hamas, a Palestinian stabbed two Israelis to death and wounded two others in central Israel on Sunday.

The attacks against Israel by Iran and their proxies are expected to increase in the days ahead. An Iranian United Nations representative told CBS News that “Hezbollah will choose both broader and deeper targets and will not restrict itself solely to military targets and means.”

This upcoming response to Israel is expected to be “more aggressive” than the rocket attacks that were launched on April 13 by Iran.

While the Middle East is on the threshold of regional war, the Biden-Harris administration has been unsuccessful in brokering a ceasefire settlement. In fact, this administration has been unable to negotiate for the release of the 120 hostages still being held by Hamas, including eight Americans.

Along with creating instability throughout the world, the Biden-Harris administration has allowed our southern border to be invaded by undocumented migrants from 177 of the 193 nations in the world.

This reversed the progress made by President Trump, who greatly reduced the flow of noncitizens into our country. Trump established sensible policies such as “Remain in Mexico,” constructed hundreds of miles of border wall and ended “Catch and Release.”

Under Biden and Harris, the Trump policies were canceled, and the proverbial red carpet was rolled out for people of the world to illegally enter our country. It is unknown how many of these noncitizens are terrorists, so the future threat to America is significant, another disturbing consequence of the Biden-Harris administration.

Jeff Crouere's "Ringside Politics," airs nationally on Real America's Voice Network, Real America's Voice News weekdays at 7 a.m. CT and from 7-11 a.m. weekdays on WGSO 990-AM & Jeff is also a political columnist, the author of "America's Last Chance" and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel as well as on For more information, email him at Read Reports by Jeff Crouere — More Here.

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When President Donald Trump left office, there was peace throughout the world. Today, there are ongoing wars in several regions of the world and other conflicts could escalate into war at any time.While Trump was President, Russia did not invade any countries, in contrast...
joe biden, kamala harris, international affairs
Tuesday, 06 August 2024 12:37 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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