An obviously agitated United States Marine Corps combat veteran named Dennis Strausbaugh walked into the York County, Pennsylvania, Republican Headquarters two days after the November 3 presidential election. He demanded loudly to know, "What is being done about this farce of an election?"
Dennis' main complaint was that Article VII, Section 2, of the Pennsylvania Constitution, provides that "The general election shall be held biennially on the Tuesday next following the first Monday of November in each even-numbered year," i.e., on one day, and that the legislators of Pennsylvania who voted for a statute that allows vote-counting after that day, according to Dennis, "violated their oath by passing an unconstitutional law."
This Pennsylvania constitutional issue hopefully will be resolved by the United States Supreme Court soon. The U.S. Constitution, Article II, reserves to "the Legislature" of each state the manner of appointing "a Number of Electors" for the Electoral College that selects the president.
In the meantime, here is a more basic complaint about the ongoing election coverage by the press: The following CNN map, as of November 5, 220, at 6:15 pm, is fundamentally deceptive:
If you include the electors for Pennsylvania (20), North Carolina (15), Georgia (16), and Alaska (3), the highlighted elector numbers above the map should be Biden 253 and Trump 268, with 270 being the minimum number for a majority of all 538 electors. The elector tallies in these four states had been in favor of Trump consistently for 48 hours since polls closed on Tuesday.
That leaves Nevada's six and Arizona's 11 electors. Unless any other States flip, if President Trump wins either Nevada or Arizona he wins reelection.
What is fundamentally deceptive about the elector tallies in the CNN and other mainstream media electoral maps, is that they make it look as if Biden is far in the lead. In fact, for all practical purposes, Trump is in the lead by 15 Electors.
What does it matter?
It matters for two purposes, the first of which is basic "freedom of the press" honesty. The second is press objectivity, which is related to the first.
Why should the American People need to do complicated math simply to know that the currently projected elector count is Trump 268 to Biden 253? The American People deserve honest reporting from the press whose freedom our First Amendment protects.
CNN ought to change its elector tally to Biden 253 and Trump 268 for the sake a basic honesty.
Second, honest press reporting of the current electoral count matters for ongoing litigation.
It seems obvious that Biden and his friends in the press are posturing for litigation purposes.
If the "narrative" for litigation purposes is that Donald Trump is trying to steal the election, a skewed elector count in favor of Biden sets the stage for that narrative. How can Biden claim that Donald Trump is trying to steal the election when Trump is in the lead?
Unfortunately, for Joe Biden and most of his friends in the press, it's all about the narrative – their false narrative. Truth does not matter.
But for most Americans, the end never justifies an objectively evil means. Dishonest press reporting is objectively bad for America.
For patriots like Dennis Strausbaugh, the truth matters. For all American, the truth about our ongoing presidential elector tally ought to matter.
As founding father John Adams wrote in 1798, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
All Americans ought to agree that every legitimate vote should be counted. Let's hope the good people of each State vigilantly protect the integrity of their election process.
Finally, here is a picture of Dennis Strausbaugh's pickup truck, with his Disabled Veteran plates and "#DEFY TYRANNY" written across the back window, parked in front of the York County Republican Headquarters two days after the polls closed:
Semper Fi!
Joseph E. Schmitz served as a foreign policy and national security adviser to Donald Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. The opinions expressed in this article are his personal opinions. Schmitz served as Inspector General of the Department of Defense from 2002-2005 and is now Chief Legal Officer of Pacem Solutions International. He graduated with distinction from the U.S. Naval Academy, earned his J.D. degree from Stanford Law School, and is author of "The Inspector General Handbook: Fraud, Waste, Abuse, and Other Constitutional ‘Enemies, Foreign and Domestic.'" Read Joseph E. Schmitz's Reports — More Here.