Ending Lawfare Will Uphold Our Values, Rule of Law

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By Monday, 29 April 2024 10:07 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

(The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.)

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." — Martin Luther King Jr.

"Equal justice under law is not merely a caption on the facade of the Supreme Court building, it is perhaps the most inspiring ideal of our society." — Lewis F. Powell Jr.

In recent years, the murky waters where law and politics converge have revealed a troubling reality: the calculated use of legal mechanisms as weapons against political adversaries.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the relentless legal onslaught targeting former President Donald Trump — a blatant miscarriage of justice with dire consequences.

Enter the current New York v Trump criminal case, a glaring example of this nefarious trend. Trump faces a barrage of 34 felony counts under the state’s “business records” law, with prosecutors alleging improper classification of payments to his lawyer, Michael Cohen.

These payments, they argue, were reimbursements tied to Cohen’s dealings with Stormy Daniels and others — a stretch of legal imagination that defies logic and reason.

But what's truly alarming is the lack of clarity from prosecutors regarding the supposed "other crime" underlying their charges. Vague allusions to a “criminal conspiracy” linked to the 2016 election campaign only add to the absurdity of their case.

As legal scholar Jonathan Turley aptly observes, the arguments presented in court expose the fundamental flaws in the prosecution's case.

The resurrection of a misdemeanor charge under state law, long expired, smacks of desperation — a last-ditch effort to keep a politically charged case alive. The attempt to shoehorn alleged campaign finance violations under federal laws that do not apply only adds to the circus-like atmosphere surrounding the trial.

Moreover, the factual issues raised by Trump's legal team cast further doubt on the prosecution's narrative. The designation of payments as legal expenses, a common practice in political circles, is not inherently illegal.

As Turley notes, similar tactics were employed by Hillary Clinton's campaign, yet faced minimal scrutiny compared to the relentless pursuit of Trump.

This selective prosecution is not just an affront to justice; it's an embarrassment to our legal system. It sets a dangerous precedent where legal tools are wielded as political weapons, undermining the very foundation of our democracy.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, "I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution."

In the face of such blatant abuse of power, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to upholding the principles of justice and the rule of law. We cannot allow the scales of justice to be tipped in favor of political expediency.

As we rally behind Trump in his battle for justice, let us heed the wisdom of our Founding Fathers and stand united in defense of our democracy.

In the words of Elon Musk, “Stopping weaponized justice is crucial for preserving the integrity of our legal system and safeguarding the rights of all citizens.”

Let us heed his call and stand united in our demand for a fair and equitable legal system — one that upholds the principles of justice and the rule of law, regardless of political affiliation.

The recent admonishment by Judge Juan Merchan toward Trump's attorney, Todd Blanche, during a hearing about a gag order violation underscores the intensity of the legal battles Trump faces. The judge's frustration hints at the politicization of the courtroom, where even procedural matters become battlegrounds.

Additionally, another federal judge's rejection of Trump's attempt to pause civil lawsuits related to the January 6th Capitol riot adds fuel to the fire. Despite Trump's legal maneuvers, Judge Amit Mehta's ruling allows these cases to proceed uninterrupted.

This decision represents a blow to Trump's efforts to shield himself from accountability for his actions on that fateful day.

These developments highlight the uphill battle Trump faces in his quest for justice.

The intertwining of legal proceedings with political agendas creates a tangled web of challenges for Trump and his legal team. Yet, as history has shown, perseverance in the face of adversity is the hallmark of true leadership.

As we navigate these turbulent legal waters, let us remember the words of our Founding Fathers, who entrusted us with the responsibility of defending justice and upholding the rule of law. In the end, it is our unwavering commitment to these principles that will ensure a fair and equitable legal system for generations to come.

It's imperative to recognize Trump's nearly 400 achievements during his tenure in office, achievements that propelled America forward and improved the lives of its citizens.

To free Trump from the shackles of this legal folly, we must unite and ensure his victory in the fall of 2024. Only then can we restore justice and America itself.

As we exercise our vote, let us not only restore Trump to his rightful place but also uphold the values that define us as a nation.

A host of "Unapologetic with Judd Dunning" on KABC AM790, and host of his own show "Unapologetic with Judd Dunning”, Judd Dunning, is a political author, host, pundit and producer. Over Judd’s three-decade political journey from liberal to conservative activist, he has created and hosted a multitude of political media projects. Judd is a Newsmax regular guest commentator. As an author also authored the bestselling Humanix/Newsmax Book "13 1/2 Reasons Why NOT To Be A Liberal: And How to Enlighten Others." He's presently in the production of his next book, "13 ½ Reasons to Love America: How to Stop the Angry Woke Left and Preserve the America We Love." He is represented by Karen Gantz Literary Management www.karengantzliterarymanagement.com and for Radio & Public Relations by Sandy Frazier www.SandyPundits.com — More Here.

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In recent years, the murky waters where law and politics converge have revealed a troubling reality: the calculated use of legal mechanisms as weapons against political adversaries.
donald trump
Monday, 29 April 2024 10:07 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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