How VP Debates Revealed Nation's Right Turn


By Friday, 04 October 2024 04:50 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, powerfully shined in his debate against Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn.

Senator Vance’s calm, collected, and rational performance resonated with voters seeking substantive conservatism.

Vance’s demeanor contrasted sharply with Gov. Walz, who appeared uncomfortable, fumbling through his notes, openly criticizing himself when pinned down, revealing a deep lack of confidence on the national stage.

Vance gave skeptical voters a reason to trust the Trump-Vance ticket as a future-focused, practical alternative to the chaos of the current administration.

From the outset, Vance tackled key issues like immigration, economic stability, and law enforcement with clarity.

Walz’s attempts to paint Trump and Vance as chaotic extremists backfired.

Vance exposed Walz’s weaknesses. Walz’s failure to handle the 2020 Minneapolis, Minnesota George Floyd protests continues to haunt his legacy.

Vance remained composed, in contrast to Walz’s weak defense of his delayed National Guard response leaving Minneapolis in turmoil for days.

A Clear Shift in Public Sentiment

Before the debate, Polymarket had Walz as the 82% favorite to win.

Voters expected Walz’s folksy demeanor to carry the day.

By the end of the debate, that facade had crumbled.

Vance, now favored on Polymarket, proved that inflation-hammered, less safe, and less prosperous Biden/Harris-era Americans are in desperate need of substance, not showmanship.

It wasn’t flashy rhetoric that shifted public sentiment.

Vance offered a steady delivery of facts, policy, and competence that voters are seeking amid rising economic challenges and social disorder.

Immigration: Prioritizing American Safety, Jobs

Vance hammered the Biden administration’s catastrophic failures on immigration.

He linked Biden’s open border policies to the devastating impact on American communities, including the opioid crisis, illegal immigration surges, and increased crime. Vance’s commitment to securing the border and protecting American jobs contrasted sharply with Walz’s weak defense of the status quo, allowing lawlessness and drugs to pour into America unchecked.

By focusing on both security and economics, Vance tied immigration to real-world concerns for Americans.

His America-first stance on immigration resonated with voters tired of seeing their communities destabilized by crime and their jobs undercut by cheap labor.

Economic Stability: Exposing Biden’s Failures

Vance's critique of Biden-Harris economic policies was a debate high point.

Inflation is hitting American families hard.

Vance linked rising prices, supply chain failures, and skyrocketing energy costs to Biden’s reckless spending. Walz fell flat defending Biden’s record.

Vance outlined a clear, pro-growth plan that includes cutting taxes, reducing inflationary pressures, and restoring energy independence lost under Biden.

Vance’s practical solutions connected with struggling Americans better than Walz’s platitudes and grandstanding. Vance offered a genuine path to economic recovery.

Law and Order: Key Issue for Voters

The candidates offered a clear distinction on law and order. Walz’s Minneapolis symbolized Democratic failure to maintain peace during the George Floyd riots.

His delayed deployment of the National Guard allowed Minneapolis to descend into chaos, with businesses looted and a police precinct torched.

Vance’s strong, unflinching law and order stance was exactly what voters wanted to hear. His support for law enforcement and refusal to tolerate chaos contrasted Walz’s indecisiveness.

Vance explained that leadership requires making hard decisions to protect the public, a message which resonated with those concerned about rising crime rates across American cities.

Exposing Walz’s Radical Dishonesty

Walz’s performance was marked by his long history of dishonesty.

Vance subtly allowed Walz to expose himself. Walz’s fabrications include falsely claiming everything from combat service to being present at the Tiananmen Square massacre. His defense was to admit being a "knucklehead." This lack of credibility was highlighted as Walz floundered through half-apologies and convoluted explanations.

Vance’s composed responses deepened the contrast, showing him as a leader with real integrity. His ability to remain focused and articulate made Walz’s excuses seem even weaker, reinforcing why trust in leadership matters more than ever.

Rational Conservatism vs. Radicalism

Beyond these two men, the debate was a broader referendum on America’s future direction. Walz represents the continuation of radical, ideologically driven policies, while Vance symbolizes a rational and measured approach to governance.

Vance’s ability to tie complex issues like immigration, economics, and law enforcement into a clear, conservative vision for the future was a turning point.

For voters wary of Trump’s style but aware of Biden administration failures, Vance provided a refreshing middle ground.

His no-nonsense, fact-driven approach embraces traditional conservatism without bombast.

Vance’s performance was a win not only for him but for the conservative movement seeking to restore sanity and order to politics.

The Conservative Alternative America Needs

America is far worse off than in 2019. Vance offered voters a rational, steady alternative to the chaotic leadership of Biden, Harris, and Walz. Vance’s calm, logical approach contrasted the hyper-partisan chaos gripping Washington, D.C.

He gave undecided voters a reason to reconsider doubts about Trump and embrace a Republican candidate offering solutions, not slogans.

The debate also exposed the weaknesses of the Harris-Walz media-coached approach, in which style trumps substance.

Vance’s calm demeanor and deep understanding of issues appealed to Americans valuing rationality, integrity, and a clear plan for the future, versus theatrics.

This debate demonstrated how rational conservatism seamlessly fits into American politics.

Vance’s victory was for the GOP itself, reminding voters that principles of hard work, personal responsibility, and law and order should guide America. The November election is fast approaching, and the choice has never been clearer.

The tide is turning toward the rational right.

A host of "Unapologetic with Judd Dunning" on KABC AM790, and host of his own show "Unapologetic with Judd Dunning”, Judd Dunning, is a political author, host, pundit and producer. Over Judd’s three-decade political journey from liberal to conservative, he has created and hosted a multitude of political media projects. Judd is a Newsmax regular guest commentator. As an author, he wrote the bestselling Humanix/Newsmax Book "13 1/2 Reasons Why NOT To Be A Liberal: And How to Enlighten Others." He's presently in the production of his next book, "13 ½ Reasons to Love America: How to Stop the Angry Woke Left and Preserve the America We Love." He is represented by Karen Gantz Literary Management and for Radio & Public Relations by Sandy Frazier www.SandyPundits.comMore Here.

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Senator Vance’s calm, collected, and rational performance resonated with voters seeking substantive conservatism. His America-first stance on immigration resonated with voters tired of seeing their communities destabilized by crime and their jobs undercut by cheap labor.
drugs, economy, crime
Friday, 04 October 2024 04:50 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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