Nov. 5 About Saving America's Soul


By Monday, 14 October 2024 01:00 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.)

Let’s cut right to the chase: Kamala Harris represents everything wrong with modern American politics. From her identity-based rise to power to her disastrous performance as vice president, Harris has repeatedly shown she’s not capable of leading this country.

When handed responsibility — such as managing the border crisis — she failed spectacularly. Her silence on critical issues including crime and inflation only highlights how disconnected she is from the average American.

Yet some people still believe she is fit for higher office? To those people, the remaining question is, “What exactly is wrong with you?”

Are we really going to keep dragging America into deeper chaos with someone who cannot even effectively handle the job she already has?

Harris’ track record is a string of failures. Under the Biden-Harris administration, inflation has wiped out savings, driven energy costs through the roof, and crushed working-class Americans.

While Americans suffer, Harris herself remains insulated from the fallout. Let’s not forget the Afghanistan debacle that stole American lives lost and squandered billions of dollars’ worth of military equipment to the hands of the Taliban.

Time and time again, Harris has shown no accountability, no plan, and certainly no leadership.

Just because someone leads in a different direction — toward smaller government or with a bold, no-nonsense personality — does that mean you’d sabotage the country you love by voting for a third or fourth term of Marxist, deconstructionist policies? A Harris presidency would be more of the same: more power concentrated in the hands of the elite, more open borders, more crime and continued economic instability.

Ask yourself who is on the receiving end of your loyalty. Is it toward your family? What about your country? Or is your self-righteous anger directed toward those with differing views?

Voting out of frustration is not a solution. It’s a path to destruction.

Let’s be honest. Everyone knows Harris isn’t even running the show. A vote for Harris is a vote for the shadowy, unelected figures pulling the strings behind the scenes. Is that really who you want leading this country?

Voting for Kamala Harris is an act of self-destruction.

Harris’s leadership (or lack thereof) has been a disaster for America. From inflation that has devastated the savings of millions, to soaring crime rates and a border crisis that threatens national security, Harris has shown that she doesn’t have what it takes to steer America forward. So why on earth would you vote for her?

Why would you vote for someone who fails to adequately condemn attacks on Jews and who openly mocks Catholics? Why vote for someone who explicitly called for a ban on fracking and defunding the police?

Why vote for a person who abandons unpopular decisions due to political expediency, knowing she will revive those unpopular opinions the moment she gets power?

Why give away your hard-earned vote to someone who refuses to say what she believes out of a real fear that voters vehemently disagree with what she stands for? Why would you trust someone who seeks to criminalize lawful behavior while also bailing out real violent criminals?

Why would you give up freedoms our Founding Fathers fought and died to preserve by supporting a woman with authoritarian impulses? What gives her the right to restrict and even ban other freedoms simply because she disagrees with them?

Why would anyone find such intolerant political behavior acceptable?

Why would you hand your country over to someone who has failed at every opportunity? Why support policies that are destroying the fabric of our society and weakening us on the world stage?

Voting for Harris is more than just a political choice. It’s a betrayal of the values and freedoms that have made this country great. Don’t vote for her and then pretend you care about America, because it’s clear that she doesn’t.

The decision is clear: Vote for America, not your personal preferences or your petty party politics. Vote to reduce inflation, protect the economy, bolster national security, restore our culture beyond the politicized, open-border mess, and most importantly, revive America’s soul.

This time, this election is bigger than our party politics. It’s about saving America.

A host of "Unapologetic with Judd Dunning" on KABC AM790, and host of his own show "Unapologetic with Judd Dunning”, Judd Dunning, is a political author, host, pundit and producer. Over Judd’s three-decade political journey from liberal to conservative, he has created and hosted a multitude of political media projects. Judd is a Newsmax regular guest commentator. As an author, he wrote the bestselling Humanix/Newsmax Book "13 1/2 Reasons Why NOT To Be A Liberal: And How to Enlighten Others." He's presently in the production of his next book, "13 ½ Reasons to Love America: How to Stop the Angry Woke Left and Preserve the America We Love." He is represented by Karen Gantz Literary Management and for Radio & Public Relations by Sandy Frazier www.SandyPundits.comMore Here.

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Voting for Harris is more than just a political choice. It’s a betrayal of the values and freedoms that have made this country great.
election 2024, kamala harris
Monday, 14 October 2024 01:00 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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