Biden's Weaponized DOJ Doesn't Stop Trump from Moving Ahead

Former U.S. President and 2024 presidential hopeful Donald Trump at the Turning Point Action USA conference in West Palm Beach, Florida, on July 15, 2023. (Giorgio Viera/AFP via Getty Images)

By and Wednesday, 26 July 2023 12:16 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

On the eve of an impending third indictment of President Trump, another by President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ), President Trump continues to lead Joe Biden in the polls and crush the Republican primary field.

Joe Biden is uniting Republican voters behind Donald Trump, by doing so he is assuring that President Trump will beat him next year.

The majority of American voters want to decide for themselves who will be their president in next year’s election and are rejecting the Biden political indictments of his leading opponent. The voters clearly see Joe Biden as undermining democracy and denying their civil rights to decide the presidential election.

Joe Biden’s Justice Department is prosecuting President Trump for laws from past centuries that no one can ever remember anyone being indicted for, let alone being convicted under, for the sole purpose of stopping Trump from beating him.

Our poll was completed just as President Trump revealed he had received another target letter from Biden’s special counsel Jack Smith and should expect to be indicted — again.

This national poll of 1,000 likely voters (+/-3.1% at the 95% confidence interval), was completed between July 19th and 24th.

In a field of 16 current and possible Republican candidates, among Republican primary voters, including independents who would vote in the GOP primary, President Trump leads with 52%. Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., continues to collapse and has fallen from 31% in January to only 13% today.

Trump’s lead over DeSantis has expanded from 12% in January to 39% now.

Trump crushes the field:

Vivek Ramaswamy has risen to third at 8%, former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence holds 5%; former South Carolina Governor and U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley 3%, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., 3%, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie 2%, former Rep. Liz Cheney, 2%, Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, 1%, former Texas Rep.Will Hurd 1%, and entrepreneur Perry Johnson 1%. Gov. Asa Hutchinson, R-Ark., Larry Elder, former Texas Governor and U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Gov. Doug Burgum, R-N.D., and Former Miami Mayor Francis Suarez received 0%.

Only 9% are undecided.

In a two-way primary race between former President Trump and Gov. DeSantis the difference has grown from a 52% to 41% Trump lead in January to the current 70% to 30% abyss between Trump and DeSantis.

There is not even one undecided vote for DeSantis to get to close the gap.

President Trump has even more room to grow with 78% of all Republican primary voters saying that they would support President Trump running again.

In each of the hypothetical general election presidential ballots, President Trump wins.

As we have seen in other media sponsored polls, President Trump beats Joe Biden: 46% to 44%.

Trump beats Vice President Kamala Harris 49% to 40%.

The vice president remains Joe Biden’s impeachment conviction insurance policy.

With Cornel West as the Green Party candidate, Trump leads 42%, Biden 40%, West 5%, and undecided 13%.

With Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W. Va., added to the field as the No Labels candidate, Trump leads 40%, Biden 38%, West 6%, Manchin 5% and undecided 12%.

President Trump is winning and crushing the primary field because most voters, especially Republicans, oppose the election interference of Joe Biden indicting his leading opponent.

69% of all voters are aware that Joe Biden’s Justice Department has informed President Trump that he is the target of another criminal investigation and will be indicted and arrested again.

Since Donald Trump leads Joe Biden for President in many polls, most voters think these investigations and indictments by the Biden Justice Department are about stopping Trump from running for president again 49% to 40%.

Republican primary voters say Biden is trying to stop Trump from running for president 71% to 22%.

The majority, 51%, agree President Biden and his Justice Department are pushing the indictments of President Trump to divert attention away from the investigation of cocaine in the White House and alleged payments to the Biden family by foreign companies including Communist China. Only 38% disagree.

Republican primary voters — agree 80%, disagree 12%.

Among all voters the majority, 56%, believe that politics played a role in Joe Biden’s personally appointed U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice indicting former President Trump.

Only 29% said politics did not play a role. Republican primary voters: Yes 80%, No 10%.

Among all voters 57% agree that there is a double standard and bias at Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, the FBI and IRS, where they continue to target Republicans like Donald Trump, but they go easy and give sweetheart deals to Joe Biden and his family, especially when the evidence purportedly shows Joe Biden and his family have done a shoddy job on their taxes, purportedly accepted questionable payments from foreign sources, and may have extorted money from our enemies such as Communist China and Russia.

Only 30% disagreed.

Republican primary voters — Agree 84%, disagree 9%.

Among all voters 54% agree that Joe Biden’s Justice Department should stop targeting Donald Trump and interfering with the upcoming presidential election and Biden should let voters decide who the next president should be.

Only 38% disagree. Republican primary voters — Agree 82%, disagree 12%.

Despite the investigations and indictments, Joe Biden is losing the election because he is losing the public argument that his prosecutions and upcoming trials should decide the next election, and not the voters in the election.

On the night that President Trump returned to Bedminster after the indictment and arraignment by Biden’s political inquisition prosecutor Jack Smith, he gave the best speech of the campaign. Then he went up in the polls, just as he did after Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment.

However, after new whistleblowers have exposed more Biden corruption, and Hunter Biden is about to accept a no jail plea bargain for illegal gun possession and tax evasion, and Hunter’s business partner prepares to testify before Congress, more Trump indictments are about to come.

As we told President Trump, "There are better ways to make the polls go up, but the only crime you’ve committed is beating Joe Biden in the polls."

Still the pattern remains another Biden scandal, another Trump indictment and Trump keeps winning.

Sen. Mitt Romney suggested yesterday that many of the Republican challengers should drop out in a futile effort to stop Donald Trump.

Instead, we would suggest they drop out and endorse Donald Trump.

The principles of ending corruption, protecting democracy and free elections are too important.

It's time the Republican Party unite around Donald Trump and focus on beating Joe Biden.

Our poll results may be found here.

National Survey and Political Environment Analysis Likely General Election Voters Presented by: John McLaughlin On the web

John McLaughlin has worked professionally as a strategic consultant and pollster for over 40 years. Jim McLaughlin is a nationally recognized public opinion expert, strategic consultant and political strategist who has helped to elect a U.S. president, prime ministers, a Senate majority leader, and a speaker of the House. Read John and Jim McLaughlin's Reports — More Here.

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Joe Biden is uniting Republican voters behind Donald Trump and assuring that President Trump will beat him next year. Voters clearly see Joe Biden as undermining democracy and denying their civil rights to decide the presidential election.
bragg, pence, romney
Wednesday, 26 July 2023 12:16 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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