Overwhelming Evidence for Biden Impeachment Inquiry

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By Monday, 25 September 2023 09:13 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

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Lies, lies and more lies. That seems to be the modus operandi of President Joe Biden and the liberal media.

When Speaker McCarthy announced the House impeachment inquiry, the White House immediately sprang into action with presidential adviser Ian Sams claiming that there is “no evidence” supporting such an inquiry and urging the press “to ramp up its scrutiny of House Republicans.” On cue, the liberal media has dutifully adopted this absurd narrative.

Lying is the standard political go-to move for Joe Biden and the Democrats. Recall his adamant claims that he knew nothing about his son’s business and never discussed business with his son. Numerous witnesses have debunked that claim, including Devon Archer, one of Hunter’s many business partners, with his testimony under oath before Congress.

Then there was Biden’s claim that Hunter never received money from China. That lie likewise has been exposed by Hunter’s own admissions in federal court that he received millions from a Chinese energy company. Joe Biden’s repeated false denials earned him four Pinnochios from the Washington Post Fact Checker.

Of course, there was the outrageous lie promoted by Biden, 51 former intelligence officials ,and the liberal media during the 2020 election that the Hunter laptop was Russian disinformation.

Now, Biden’s latest attempt at deception is the claim that there is “no evidence” supporting an impeachment inquiry.

Speaker McCarthy announced the impeachment inquiry to further investigate “credible allegations” of “abuse of power, obstruction [of justice]” and a “culture of corruption.”

Let’s take note of a just few examples of the overwhelming evidence indicative of corruption:

  • The Joe Biden “Brand”: In his appearance before Congress, Hunter’s former business partner, Devon Archer, testified that Hunter put his father, then-Vice President Biden, on the speakerphone during business meetings at least 20 times to sell and leverage the Joe Biden “brand."
  • FBI Form FD-1023 dated June 30, 2020, that was publicly released by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa): This form – used by FBI special agents to record information from confidential sources – documents the informant’s account of dealings with the Bidens relating to the Ukraine gas company Burisma, including the payment of $5 million “to pay one Biden” and $5 million “to another Biden.”
  • “The Big Guy”: Former Hunter business partner, Tony Bobulinski, has produced emails related to the business deal with the Chinese energy company, CEFC, outlining the equity distribution for the partners including “10[%] held by H [Hunter] for the big guy,” who, according to Bobulinski, was Joe Biden.
  • Twenty Shell Companies: The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability research shows that Hunter and his business associates created over 20 shell companies to funnel payments to Hunter, his business associates and Biden family members. This complex structure of shell companies suggests a conspiracy to conceal the source and amount of the payments.
  • Email Aliases: Emails recovered from Hunter’s laptop showed then Vice President Biden used several email aliases for government business and for communicating with Hunter. Further, there appear to be over 5,000 such emails stored at the National Archives, which House investigators have requested. The obvious question: why the clandestine communications?
  • $20 Million: Bank records indicate that Hunter, his business associates and Biden family members received $20 million in payments from foreign actors in places like Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan during Joe Biden’s time as vice president.

Certainly, this evidence to date warrants further investigation. Yet, Biden and the liberal media continue to spin their false narrative. Americans, however, are not deceived.

In a CNN poll released this month, a significant majority of Americans (61%) believe Joe Biden was involved in Hunter’s business dealings in Ukraine and China while he was vice president with 42% believing his involvement was illegal and 18% believing his actions were unethical but not illegal. That does not bode well for his re-election.

Elections have consequences. Our nation cannot endure four more years of Joe Biden and his checkered, progressive agenda.

Michael Clancy is a lawyer, member of The Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation, and former congressional candidate. He provides incisive, analytical commentary on political and constitutional law issues; and is a frequent guest on political news programs. Mike is a graduate of The George Washington University Law School and Notre Dame. Twitter: @MikeClancyVA. Read More Mike Clancy — Here.

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Lies, lies and more lies. That seems to be the modus operandi of President Joe Biden and the liberal media.
joe biden, impeachment
Monday, 25 September 2023 09:13 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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