Biden's Dim Debate Performance Showcased 5 Bright, Shining Lies

U.S. President Joe Biden and former U.S. President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump participate in the first presidential debate of the 2024 elections at CNN's studios in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 27, 2024. (Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images) 

By Wednesday, 03 July 2024 10:51 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

"We finally beat Medicare."

That was just one of the many astonishing things that President Joe Biden said, or tried to say, in his Thursday-night face-off with President Donald J. Trump.

The de facto Democratic and Republican standard bearers parried for 90 minutes on CNN.

The normally rabid, Trump-hating moderators, Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, rose to the occasion and asked both candidates tough, fair, and relevant questions.

The opponents debated each other, not the anchors. Three cheers for that.

Biden earned zero cheers, however, for his many lies.

Five slices of disinformation were especially egregious:

First, Biden said, "I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any this – this decade, that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he [Trump] did."

This is totally false. Just ask Biden.

"Jill and I join the families and friends of our fallen — and Americans across the country  — in grieving the loss of these warriors in this despicable and wholly unjust attack," Biden declared after three U.S. GIs were killed, and 34 wounded, in a Jan. 28 assault in Jordan.

Biden added: "While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq."

Biden’s lie also erased the 13 Marines whom a terrorist suicide bomber murdered outside Kabul’s airport during Biden’s shambolic Afghan retreat in August 2021.

Things most assuredly would have gone far less fatally had a re-elected President Trump exited, as he said, "with dignity, with strength, with power."

Second — regarding Charlottesville, Virginia’s race riots — Biden asked, "What American president would ever say, Nazis coming out of fields, carrying torches, singing the same anti-Semitic bile, carrying swastikas, were 'fine people?'"

Snopes’ non-mega-MAGA fact checkers demolished this lie.

"No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People,'" Snopes announced June 20. It rated this claim "False."

Trump told journalists on August 15, 2017, "But you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides," some of whom wished to preserve a local statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, and others who wanted it gone. Biden deliberately conceals Trump’s key sentence, in the same answer, 49 seconds later:

"I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally."

Trump’s words — "condemned totally" — turn Biden’s beloved "very fine people" talking point into a total lie.

Third, Biden said, "I was recently in France for D-Day.  . . I went to the World War II cemetery — World War I cemetery he [Trump] refused to go to.

"He was standing with his four-star general, and he told him — he said, 'I don’t want to go in there because they’re a bunch of losers and suckers.'

"My son who served in Iraq was not a loser. He was not a sucker. You’re the sucker. You’re the loser."

Biden keeps repeating this lie despite the work of yours truly and other journalists who dismantled Jeffrey Goldberg’s lie-clogged "story" in Sept. 3, 2020’s The Atlantic.

Biden keeps repeating this lie despite the work of yours truly and other journalists who dismantled Jeffrey Goldberg’s mendacious "story" in Sept. 3, 2020’s The Atlantic.

In short, Goldberg cited four anonymous sources who claimed that Trump avoided honoring these fallen American soldiers from the Great War because they were "losers" and "suckers," and he did not want the rain to moisten his hair.

My 16 named sources accompanied Trump in Paris. They said, on the record, that Trump never called these war dead "losers" or "suckers." Trump’s military aides scotched the cemetery stop due to rain and low clouds.

The Secret Service’s safety and logistical concerns nixed helicopter and motorcade travel.

Trump postponed his November 11, 2018, departure so he could visit the Suresnes American Cemetery near Paris. He laid a wreath there and inspected soldiers’ graves — in the rain.

Sources: Trump 16, Goldberg 4.

Fourth, "Significantly — by the way, the Border Patrol endorsed me,” Biden claimed.

Within minutes, the National Border Patrol Council — the union for those who guard America’s "frontiers" — refuted the president: “To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”

Fifth, while answering a question about abortion, the GOP’s Achilles Heel, Biden inexplicably pivoted to the Republicans' No. 1 issue: the illegal-alien invasion that Biden personally triggered and still supervises.

"Look, there’s so many young women who have been — including a young woman who just was murdered and he [Trump] went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by — by — by an immigrant coming in and [inaudible] talk about that," Biden explained.

"But here’s the deal," he continued with equal clarity. "There’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their — by their in-laws, by their — by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by — just — it’s just — it’s just ridiculous."


This was yet another Biden untruth: Even in America today, a nation where anything goes, incestuous lesbian rape is not a thing.

Biden earned the Democratic nomination fair and square. He has every right to run for re-election. He should do so without lying to the American people.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor. Read Deroy Murdock's Reports — Read More Here.

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Biden earned the Democratic nomination, fair and square and has every right to run for re-election. He should do so without lying to the American people.
afghan, charlottesville, medicare
Wednesday, 03 July 2024 10:51 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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