Hunter Biden Deal Meets With Conservative Outcry

Hunter Biden (Getty Images)

By    |   Tuesday, 20 June 2023 12:55 PM EDT ET

Several conservatives, including Republican lawmakers, along with allies of former President Donald Trump and his family, were quick to speak out Tuesday about the news that President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden was charged with failing to pay federal income tax and illegally possessing a weapon and reached an agreement with the Justice Department. 

Much of the outcry Tuesday came from reports that the Justice Department will recommend probation on the tax charges, meaning Hunter Biden won't face time behind bars, while Trump could potentially face decades if he's found guilty of felony charges in connection with Espionage Act. 

Among those speaking out Tuesday: 

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.: "It's no coincidence that less than a week after President Trump is arraigned, Hunter Biden is pleading guilty to a sweetheart deal with no jail time. The DOJ is going for the low-hanging fruit by charging Hunter Biden with a gun felony and two tax misdemeanors, after years of slow walking their investigation. For AG Garland to maintain his mantra that there is one standard of justice is pathetic. If the DOJ thinks this dismisses the $5 million alleged bribery scheme or the years of reported Biden family corruption, they are mistaken. We will not allow full accountability to fall by the wayside."  

Donald Trump Jr., on Twitter: "The blatantly politicized nature of Joe Biden's Justice Department couldn't be more clear today. The plea deal that they cut with Hunter Biden reeks of favoritism and brazenly reveals a system where there are two tiers of justice, wholly dependent on your political affiliation. If you are a Republican, Biden's DOJ will throw the book at you and try to throw you in prison for 100 years, but if you happen to have the right last name like Hunter, they will protect you and treat you with kid gloves. We are no longer a nation with equal justice under the law, but rather something more akin to a third-world banana republic where the law exists to protect the ruling class while targeting the opposition." 

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung to CNN: "Today proves there is a clear two-tiered system of justice — one for Democrats and one against President Trump. As President Trump predicted earlier this month, Hunter was given a sweetheart deal that sweeps his crimes under the rug in a blatant attempt to interfere with the 2024 election. All the while, Joe Biden continues to be given a pass by his weak special counsel for his classified documents strewn all across his office and in his Chinatown office building. The Biden crime family continues to show they are willing to sell out America to dangerous foreign actors in order to line their pockets with millions and millions of dollars."

2024 GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, on Twitter: "It's no accident that the farcical Hunter Biden 'plea deal' comes right after the Trump indictment: it's the perfect fig leaf to pretend that "no ne is above the law," while absolutely putting certain people above the law. It's an Orwellian gesture that gives the news media exactly the level of cover that they needed. Amazing to see how this game is played. It's a feigned retreat & reveals they're even more scared than ever of scrutiny for the real crimes. The real target is the audio tapes of the alleged bribe for Hunter & Joe Biden from the Ukrainian executive of oligarch-owned Burisma. And the hundreds of billions of U.S. taxpayer funds kicked back to Ukraine to make good on the favor. Don't buy the deflection, it's just a smokescreen."

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., on Twitter: "Like I said, when Democrats are investigated everything is slow-walked and it ends with a slap on the wrist. Don't believe me? Just look at Hunter Biden. Three questions: 1. When does evading millions in federal income taxes get a slap on the wrist? (Ask Wesley Snipes) 2. Did Hunter Biden pay his fair share on those millions? (Thoughts, @AOC?) 3. @POTUS, where is YOUR $5M from Burisma? #PayForPlay #BidenCorruption" 

Roger Stone, on Twitter: "I predicted weeks ago that Hunter Biden would be charged with minor tax infractions, and lying on the form to purchase a firearm. Meanwhile, they ignore his much more serious crimes."

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., on Twitter: "Hunter Biden was able to quietly plead guilty to a FEDERAL GUN LAW VIOLATION and WILLFUL FAILURE TO PAY INCOME TAXES. There was no raid of his crackhouse. There was no jail time. No flashy indictments. His lawyer says the investigation is over and they're wrapping a nice little bow on it. If you think that this is justice being served, you're sadly mistaken."

Kimberly Guilfoyle, Trump adviser, on Twitter: "The Biden DOJ is trying to send Donald Trump to prison for the rest of his life over a documents dispute. But they are giving Hunter Biden a sweetheart deal to keep him out of jail. We have a two-tiered justice system in America!"

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., on Twitter"A slap on the wrist for Hunter Biden while “The Big Guy" continues to hunt down his top political opponent. This doesn't show equal justice. It's a mockery of our legal system by a family that has no respect for our laws."

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., on Twitter"Don't let the Hunter Biden plea deal news today distract you from Special Counsel John Durhams's testimony on the FBI's corruption today and tomorrow on Capitol Hill. The release of this plea deal this morning is part of a bigger deflection scheme."

Stephen Miller, Trump adviser, on Twitter: "RIGGED. The regime is using this low-level choreographed charge (w/zero jeopardy for Hunter) to manufacture a useful talking point while a.) shielding Joe & the Biden family foreign corruption scheme & b.) trying to throw Biden's chief rival in jail for life during the campaign."

Kash Patel, Former Chief of Staff for DoD, Deputy Assistant to President Trump, on Truth Social"Called it: the two-tier system of justice has now established its permanency under Biden admin: never in my career as a federal public defender and national security prosecutor have I ever seen such disparate treatment based on your last name. This is no celebration "I told you so" moment, but the completion of weaponized justice in America by FBI and DOJ leadership. The math is simple, it's not a Democrat or Republican thing: Charge your enemies (Trump), acquit your friends or in this case, your boss's son (Hunter)- Two-tier wrecking ball system of justice, is a tragic loss for the rule of law. And here's the thing, Bill Barr could've gotten it all right, instead he was too busy hating on Trump, and dancing around on his victory book tour with a bankrupt media. You get it now?"


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Conservative reaction came quickly Tuesday when Hunter Biden was charged with failing to pay federal income tax and illegally possessing a weapon and reached an agreement with the Justice Department. 
hunter biden, deal, justice, conservatives
Tuesday, 20 June 2023 12:55 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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