Report: Johnson Super PACs Net $16M in 10 Days

Mike Johnson (Getty Images)

By    |   Monday, 13 November 2023 01:24 PM EST ET

Two super PACs supporting House Speaker Mike Johnson have brought in a reported $16 million in 10 days.

The Washington Examiner reported Monday that the Congressional Leadership Fund and the nonprofit affiliate American Action Network brought in $16 million in the 10 days since Speaker Johnson endorsed them.

"This significant raise out of the block is a key early sign of support for Speaker Johnson and for keeping the House majority,” Dan Conston, president of the Congressional Leadership Fund, said in a statement to the news outlet.

Conston serves as president for both Republican fundraising organizations, according to the websites of both organizations.

The Congressional Leadership Fund was set up in 2011 and is the only group to have the full support of House leadership members. It focuses on maintaining a Republican majority in that chamber. Meanwhile, the American Action Network works to promote “center-right policies based on the principles of freedom, limited government, American exceptionalism, and strong national security,” according to the respective organizations.

“The American Action Network is an independent nonprofit 501(c)(4) organization, and it is not affiliated with or controlled by any political candidate, party, or officeholder,” that group’s website states. “The Network welcomes supporters of its center-right values and policy proposals regardless of party affiliation, and looks forward to working with legislators, government officials, and advocates of either party who are willing to advance policies consistent with the Network’s principles.”

According to a Congressional Leadership Fund press release Monday, Johnson, from Louisiana, has been “aggressively” working to introduce himself to “key” Republican donors during “countless” calls and meetings.

Both organizations have raised a combined $96 million so far for the 2024 election cycle, the release said.

The New York Times reported in October that Johnson’s ability to bring in money for the party compared to ousted Speaker Kevin McCarthy was an unknown, and is causing some concern about the capacity to compete financially in 2024.

“Mike Johnson is not known to be a prolific fundraiser. He’s raised money to meet his needs in a noncompetitive seat in Louisiana,” said Tom Reynolds, a former New York congressman and past chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee. “It remains to be seen: Can he raise money to help the members when it comes time next year?”

Despite the questions, the report said donors were reaching out to Johnson and seem optimistic about his role.

“The event we do for him will probably be the easiest money I’ve raised all cycle,” Susan Hirschmann, a Republican lobbyist who leads the firm Williams & Jensen and is already organizing a fundraiser, told the Times. “I can tell you my phone has been ringing off the hook with people wanting to help raise money for Speaker Johnson.”

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Two super PACs supporting House Speaker Mike Johnson have brought in a reported $16 million in 10 days. The Washington Examiner reported Monday that the Congressional Leadership Fund and the nonprofit affiliate American Action Network brought in $16 million in the 10 days...
johnson, speaker, super pac
Monday, 13 November 2023 01:24 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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