Sen. Graham to Dems: 'Careful What You Wish For' on Indictment

Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C. (AP)

By    |   Monday, 14 August 2023 11:22 PM EDT ET

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham warned Democrats to "be careful what you wish for" on former President Donald Trump's indictment in Fulton Country, Georgia.

Speaking Monday night on Fox News, the South Carolina lawmaker slammed Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis for floating racketeering charges against Trump for his behavior after the 2020 election.

Graham's appearance came before the indictment came down late Monday night. Trump was charged with 13 felony charges, including RICO charges.

"I don't know exactly what they're going to come out with, but I know this: between Manhattan and Fulton County and [Washington,] D.C., the most liberal jurisdictions in the country, it's very unfair to President Trump," the senator said.

Graham also asked why the case was not pursued by a state-level official instead, arguing that if it is truly "a crime against the people in Georgia, shouldn't it be done by somebody like the attorney general?"

"Are we going to let county prosecutors start prosecuting the president of the United States? The former president of the United States," he queried. "You open up Pandora's box to the presidency."

The prospects of allowing county prosecutors to pursue former presidents, Graham warned, will cause "a lot of damage to the presidency itself over time."

"To my Democratic friends: be careful what you wish for," he said.

Other charges against Trump from the Fulton County grand jury also included conspiracy to commit forgery, filing false documents, Solicitation of Violation of Oath by Public Officer and more.

There are 19 total defendants in the 98-page indictment.

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Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham warned Democrats to "be careful what you wish for" on former President Donald Trump's indictment in Fulton Country, Georgia.
lindsey graham, donald trump, fulton country, georgia, indictment, presidents
Monday, 14 August 2023 11:22 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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