Pennsylvania GOP Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz helped revive a 27-year-old male passenger who collapsed on an American Airlines flight from Louisville to Philadelphia Saturday morning.
"I was sitting in my seat and a woman a few rows ahead of me yelled out that there was a crisis," Oz said. "I ran to the bay and a gentleman had collapsed to the ground. He had been trying to get into the bathroom."
"When I got to him, he was conscious but disoriented," the cardiothoracic surgeon continued. "I asked the stewardesses to come help and get me something with sugar in it."
The flight attendants brought Oz some soda, with caffeine and sugar, to give to the disoriented passenger.
"He started to sort of come back to himself," he said. "He had a very thready pulse, so low blood pressure, and when I gave him some of this beverage, he began to feel a little better."
Oz said he had the man remain seated on the ground for 10 minutes while he drank more fluids.
The man recovered and obtained medical care later on, according to Oz.
"He had driven all night long to get to the airport and I'm sure he was dehydrated because, with fluids, his blood pressure came up," the celebrity physician said.
Oz said it's important that people who are planning to fly recognize the dangers of dehydration.
"People get dehydrated all the time on planes, especially because it's high altitude and the air is drier," he said. "Make sure you drink enough water. Caffeine doesn't work as well as water, because caffeine gets you to pee out whatever fluids you're taking in. Just take water."
"Especially because it's summertime and it's hot," he added. "I think that was part of what happened to this young man."
Despite it being the first day on the job for one of the flight attendants, Oz said they worked well under pressure.
"These flight attendants were very well trained, kept their calm and were able to help me perfectly," he said. "I want to applaud their professionalism."
This isn't the first time Oz has jumped into action to help an airline passenger having a medical emergency. Last year, he helped save a 60-year-old man at Newark Liberty International Airport in New Jersey.
"His story was crazy because he literally collapsed at the baggage claim, had no pulse, turned blue and was dying," he said. "Once again, the officers at the airport were well-trained and rushed to my help. [They] got me the defibrillator and helped me do CPR."
After winning the Pennsylvania Republican primary in June, Oz will square off against Democrat John Fetterman for retiring GOP Sen. Pat Toomey's seat in the November general election.