Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said few politicians have ever defended Christian heritage on the national level as "fiercely" as President Donald Trump.
"His executive order affirming the religious liberty of public school students is just the latest example," Huckabee wrote in a column posted by Fox News on Thursday.
"For the first time in nearly two decades, the order updates federal guidance to better protect students' rights to engage in prayer and other forms of religious expression.
"Under the new rules, schools must certify every year that they do not have policies that restrict constitutionally-protected religious rights, such as the freedom to pray or read religious texts on school grounds. Schools that maintain non-compliant policies would lose their federal funding."
Huckabee called the order "a big win for religious freedom advocates" He noted they had seen "their rights and beliefs under increasingly withering assault from the left for decades."
And Huckabee added: "But it's also a big win for everyone who cherishes the freedoms laid out in the U.S. Constitution."
He maintained "militant atheists" have spent decades convincing parents and educators that "any form of religious expression in any public place is a violation of the First Amendment's guarantee of religious liberty."
"This country was founded by pilgrims who sought to escape religious persecution and that heritage is an essential aspect of our character as a nation," he said. "Thanks to President Trump's efforts, we will be able to pass that heritage on to another generation."