Sen. Cruz to Newsmax: GOP Needs Leader Focused on Results


By    |   Wednesday, 28 February 2024 07:42 PM EST ET

The new Senate Republican leader should be someone who "focuses on delivering real results, on doing what we said we would do, and delivering on our promises to the American people," said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.

As to whether he's putting his name in the hat, Cruz told Newsmax, "It's very early in the process."

"I think we will see over the next several months an extended conversation about who the next leader should be," Cruz said Wednesday during an appearance on Newsmax's "The Chris Salcedo Show."

"You know, most of us in the Senate have never been through a leadership election for the leader. Mitch has been there 17 years." 

"I think our country is in crisis right now, and I'd like to see a Republican Senate majority leader who is prepared to work hand in hand with what I hope will be President [Donald] Trump and a Republican House to deliver on a powerful agenda that makes a difference for the people of Texas and the people of this country," he added.

McConnell, the longest-serving Senate leader in history who maintained his power in the face of dramatic convulsions in the Republican Party for almost two decades, will step down from that position in November.

McConnell, who turned 82 last week, announced his decision Wednesday in the well of the Senate, the chamber where he looked on in awe from its back benches in 1985 when he arrived and where he grew increasingly comfortable in the front row seat afforded the party leaders.

McConnell, said Cruz, "served honorably."

"I disagreed with many of the decisions he made, but he's had honorable service. And I will say there are many legacies of Mitch McConnell, but the most consequential may well be the hundreds of principled constitutionalists who were nominated and confirmed to the federal judiciary. And that is a legacy that will outlast all of us.

"He made the judgment that it was time to move on, and I certainly respect his judgment on that."


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The new Senate Republican leader should be someone who "focuses on delivering real results, on doing what we said we would do, and delivering on our promises to the American people," said Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas.
cruz, mcconnell, gop, senate
Wednesday, 28 February 2024 07:42 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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