As Fox News has effectively shadow banned former President Donald Trump, presidential adviser Dick Morris on Newsmax said Trump the messenger trumps the medium.
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"Well, I write about that in my book 'The Return,' and the philosophy that President Trump has — based on many conversations we've had — to turn Marshall McLuhan's famous phrase on its head: The message is more important than the medium," Morris told "Saturday Report." "When Donald Trump speaks, he gets covered, and he blasts through to the American people and they follow him. And, if a network doesn't cover him, they go to the one that does.
"So, the audience follows Trump, not dependent on what forum he's on."
Morris said Fox News' anti-Trump messaging is attempting to "foment a primary in the Republican Party" and divide conservatives against Trump as the likely 2024 front-runner.
"For example, when Trump does any of these rallies — or this wonderful speech he gave to the America First gathering earlier this week, where he laid out his second-term program — the audience follows him," Morris told host Rita Cosby. "The ratings on those shows bump sky high, and all the other networks that don't cover him, and Fox that doesn't cover him, drop ratings.
"And the more people understand that Fox News is no longer pro-Trump — Fox News is now anti-Trump — the goal of Fox News is to foment a primary in the Republican Party so that the Republicans can split and hopefully Trump is damaged or even defeated, and if not that, the party is divided."
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Fox News' change in "editorial policy" can be pointed back to the takeover of the network under CEO Lachlan Murdoch.
"Why the sudden change from the editorial policy? Because of its changing ownership," Morris continued. "Lachlan Murdoch, the son, has now basically taking over from Rupert, who's more than 91 years old, and he's basically piloting the network into a new CNN.
"And, the more people realize that the only place they can get the truth about Donald Trump, amid this media censorship, is on Newsmax. But as long as Newsmax exists, Trump will be there and the viewers will be there, too."
Morris added "the word's getting out obviously all over the place" about Fox News' turn against Trump, and Morris has been advising Trump on how to run for president in 2024 without divided Republicans in a contentious primary against other America First candidates like Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis.
"But we have to realize that Trump is the only candidate who can say the four magic words that will win the election — and I say this in my book — 'I did it already,'" Morris said. "The Democrats love to be pessimistic and say, 'Oh, you're saying you can hold down gas prices; well, nobody can do that, it's a global phenomenon; borders are porous, now that's an artifact of age we're living in.'
"And Trump comes back and he says, 'B.S., we can do all of those things; I did it already.' And no other candidate for president can say that."
While DeSantis has the makings of a future president, Morris contended, the popular Florida governor cannot make the same case as Trump can to "disarm" the Democrat messaging and nominee.
"So, a lot of people are in love with DeSantis, who's been a very good governor, and I look forward to supporting him for president in the future, but he can't say that," Morris concluded. "Trump can: 'I did it already.'
"And it totally disarms the Democratic Party."
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