Rudy Giuliani to Newsmax: You Should Only 'Get to Frame Somebody Once'

(Newsmax/"Saturday Report")

By    |   Saturday, 01 April 2023 12:48 PM EDT ET

The effort to "frame" former President Donald Trump continues, leaving famed 9/11 New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, a former federal prosecutor, incredulous.

"I think, like many Americans, I'm in a state of shock — maybe less shocked because I've gone through so much with, you know, all that craziness of Russian collusion," Giuliani told "Saturday Report" co-hosts Rita Cosby and Michael Grimm on Newsmax.

"And guess what I can't believe, Rita and Michael, is: How can they do it again? How stupid are we? It's like they make fools out of us. Every year, they come up with a new framer.

"I think you get to frame somebody once — God forbid, twice — how about four or five times?"

While Americans might see through the effort to get Trump, Giuliani said progressive Democrat operatives in the justice system do not care and are willing to accept the collateral damage done to the country.

"You would think they would be concerned that this may backfire on them," Giuliani said.

"They're ruining the reputation of our great country. We are a laughingstock, for numerous reasons."

Most concerning to Giuliani is the fact bar associations are politically weaponized, too, at the heart of the U.S. legal system.

"I think, at least in the Northeast with these local bar associations, Michael, our profession is gone," Giuliani told Grimm. "I think it's on the other side, heading us toward communism."

Giuliani himself has been a target of the political weaponization of the justice system, having been disbarred for defending Trump.

"I'm suspended for the practice of law because I defended my client, absolutely defended my client — they didn't like the way I defended it," Giuliani said. "But they suspended me. They never suspended people who represented ax murderers and terrorists, pervert child molesters, who shouldn't be suspended.

"Every defense lawyer, according to the other side, is not telling the truth. It's absurd and I'm not the only one, so I shouldn't be complaining."

Democrat prosecutors seeking to find a crime to get Trump on have gone to the level of investigating the attorneys, which used to be taboo in America, Giuliani said.

"I mean, they basically took away his right to counsel," he concluded. "They began monitoring my iCloud.

"You know the date? The date that I began representing him — didn't tell me three years, secretly heard everything that was going on with all my clients — and then stopped the day after I represented him."


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The effort to "frame" former President Donald Trump continues, leaving former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani incredulous.
frame, indictment, donald trump, rudy giuliani, attorney, client
Saturday, 01 April 2023 12:48 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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