Jim McLaughlin to Newsmax: Media Is Under-Sampling Republicans in Polls


By    |   Tuesday, 03 September 2024 10:31 PM EDT ET

Pollster Jim McLaughlin told Newsmax on Tuesday that the national polls showing Vice President Kamala Harris with a slight lead over former President Donald Trump are because "the media is under sampling Republicans and they're under sampling Trump voters."

Host Chris Salcedo showed McLaughlin a recent poll from ABC News that showed Harris leading Trump by 4 percentage points nationally at 50% for Harris and 46% for Trump. McLaughlin said it's important to note how often media polls "are biased."

"And only 29% of the sample in that poll were self-identified Republicans. And if you follow this kind of stuff, if you look and you go back to 2020, Republicans represented about 36% of the actual vote of the people that came out and turned out in the election," McLaughlin said during an appearance on "The Chris Salcedo Show."

The pollster for the Trump 2024 campaign noted that another large media poll that had Trump trailing Harris had the former President "getting 20% of the Black vote," adding, "that's almost three times of what he received back in 2020."

"And he's basically tied among Hispanic voters. If that's reality, Donald Trump isn't just going to win. He's going to win easily by a landslide," McLaughlin added. The pollster for McLaughlin & Associates said that it's important for polls to sample "likely voters" and make sure "the demographics are reflective of what the electorate is going to be."

"Look, there's not a lot of undecided voters out there, but the few voters that are actually undecided, they're telling you they overwhelmingly disapprove of the job Kamala Harris and [President] Joe Biden are doing. And they overwhelmingly think the country is off on the wrong track," he said.


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Pollster Jim McLaughlin told Newsmax on Tuesday that the national polls showing Vice President Kamala Harris with a slight lead over former President Donald Trump are because "the media is under sampling Republicans and they're under sampling Trump voters."
jim mclaughlin, donald trump, kamala harris, polls, election, republicans, voters
Tuesday, 03 September 2024 10:31 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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