With the discovery of classified documents from his time as vice president in the possession of President Joe Biden, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani speculated on Newsmax the timing of the revelations might be tied to a Democrat scheme to keep him from announcing for 2024, perhaps with former President Barack Obama "calling the shots."
"I think the Democrats are putting this out. I think — and if I had to guess — Obama is calling the shots," Giuliani, personal attorney for former President Donald Trump, told Thursday's "Prime News" with Jenn Pellegrino. "They don't want him on the ticket.
"I mean, first of all, this guy is in danger of falling apart at any minute, meaning the mouth could open and nothing will come out."
The FBI is proving once again to be carrying the political water for Democrats, Giuliani told Pellegrino.
"The justification is the FBI is a law enforcement organization that is operated for the benefit of the Democrat Party and Joseph Biden," Giuliani said. "It's state police. It's, in the worst sense, no longer the FBI of old — not all the agents, but the ones at the top that have to do the bidding of a man who has become something closer to mad dictator than president."
Guiliani said the connections of the Bidens to China, which reportedly helped fund the Penn Biden Center to the tune of $54 million, is unlike any corruption the long-term prosecutor has seen.
"This would be like John Kennedy or Ronald Reagan, a couple of Cold War presidents, taking documents over to an institute that was funded by the Soviets," Giuliani said. "And then, to really show us how little he cares about our classification system, he's got it sitting in his garage on the bench, and he still tells us his garage is secure?
"That's a normal house garage. You could knock that thing down with a sledgehammer."
This is just the latest example of corruption by the Bidens, Giuliani said, that he has been trying to inform the American people of for years.
"This is a vice president who sold out the United States, sold it out to Ukraine, to China, to Russia, to the highest bidder," Giuliani continued. "I mean, basically the commodity that made the Bidens multimillionaires is selling Joe's public office.
"We have another word for that: We call it bribery.
"And almost everybody else goes to jail for it but these very-entitled Biden, who seem to be able to commit any crime imaginable, and they don't even get a subpoena."
The media and Biden backers are struggling to see the reality of it all, Giuliani concluded.
"The hard drive is a felony every two pages, and the family is a completely corrupt family. Nobody just wants to accept that, that's all," he said.
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