Mark Morgan to Newsmax: Mayorkas Should Resign or Be Impeached

By    |   Thursday, 13 October 2022 10:08 AM EDT ET

Mark Morgan, former acting commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection in Washington, D.C. (Tom Williams/Getty Images)

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is the "most dangerous man" in the Biden administration and must either resign or be impeached, particularly after reports surfaced that he knew that the narrative that Border Patrol agents whipped a group of Haitian migrants was false but still denounced them to the nation, former acting Border Patrol Commissioner Mark Morgan told Newsmax on Thursday.

"He should resign," Morgan, denouncing Mayorkas, told Newsmax's "Wake Up America." "I mean if he had any ounce of integrity and courage that's what he would do. But we know he doesn't have any of that."

But if the secretary doesn't resign, then the House, if Republicans win back the majority next month, should seek articles of impeachment on the first day in session in January, said Morgan.

"I think in the history of this country, the last Cabinet-level official that was impeached was in 1876," said Morgan. "No Cabinet-level official in modern-day history has been impeached, and so I'm concerned that the Republicans are going to be a little bit hesitant to do that."

According to documents obtained by the Heritage Foundation after it sued DHS, one of Mayorkas' staffers emailed him the account of photographer Paul Ratje, who took the viral photos, less than three hours before a White House press conference where the secretary condemned the agents.

In a quote provided to Mayorkas, Ratje said that he had "never seen them whip anyone" and that the reins were swung, "but it can be misconstrued when you're looking at the picture."

Morgan told Newsmax that he does hold out hope that impeachment articles will be sought against Mayorkas, considering that "you've got representatives like Chip Roy [Texas] and Andy Biggs [Arizona] and others that absolutely see this man for what he is."

And Mayorkas is the "most dangerous man in this administration" because he has been the chief architect of border policies that are "allowing drugs and criminals, and national security threats into this country every day, killing Americans," said Morgan.

"This is the same secretary whose open border policies are killing migrants every single day," Morgan continued. "He's lied to the American people. He's lied to Congress. And now we know that he intentionally used the bully pulpit of the White House to throw the Border Patrol agents [under the bus] when he's entrusted with their care, intentionally knowing what he was saying was a lie."

But the secretary, though his actions, was "just parroting what this administration emotionally wanted to be true," Morgan added. "They had created an unmitigated, self-made crisis at the border.

"In Del Rio, remember, we saw 30,000 Haitians descend upon the border and set up a Third-World camp. It was nothing but a distraction technique that he was complicit in."

Mayorkas' actions are "indefensible," Morgan said.

"There's nothing this secretary could do to make it right for the sake of the men and women who will never have their reputations or their careers recovered," he continued. "They're done. There's nothing they could do to recover that."

However, the White House was "wedded" to the narrative that the Border Patrol agents had whipped the refugees "emotionally," said Morgan.

"They wanted it to be true. They wanted it desperately," he said. "I don't know what others in the administration knew when they made their outrageous comments, but now we know that Mayorkas knew it was a lie. He had the opportunity to make this go away as it should have. He says that these pictures conjured up images of racism and slavery. How could they conjure up those images when they didn't do what they were being alleged?"

The agents "were asked to be there," Morgan added. "They were in an untenable, chaotic situation, and those pictures showed them doing their jobs and he [Mayorkas] knew that, and he still lied."


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Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is the "most dangerous man" in the Biden administration and must either resign or be impeached.
mark morgan, alejandro mayorkas, border patrol, immigration, impeached
Thursday, 13 October 2022 10:08 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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