Huckabee to Newsmax: Judge's Hunter Ruling Great Day for Justice

By    |   Wednesday, 26 July 2023 07:53 PM EDT ET

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Newsmax Wednesday that the judge's decision to delay accepting Hunter Biden's plea deal was a great day for justice in America.

"This is one of the most incredible days I have seen in the political news world in a long time," Huckabee said during an appearance on Newsmax's "Carl Higbie FRONTLINE." "I think people were shocked that the judge looked at all that was before her and said, 'Not in my courtroom; this isn't going down that way.'"

The stunning turn of events came after what was expected to be a routine plea hearing. Instead, it morphed into a three-hour event featuring pointed questions from U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika.

"I cannot accept the plea agreement today," she said, requesting the attorneys brief her on why she should accept it. She said she did not want to "rubber-stamp" a plea deal.

Huckabee went on to discuss what he called the current "two-tier system of justice" in America and said that "people are genuinely disgusted" by it.

"There's one system for people well-connected, like the Bidens; and then there's another system — maybe I should say there's three — for just average Joes," he said. "And then there's a third system for anybody who is an America first — we like to sometimes be called MAGA — Republican. I'm happy to be one of those. I consider it a point of great personal pride to be called that."

"But there's a totally different justice system where the FBI raids people's homes; they lock you up, and put you in handcuffs in public places just to humiliate you. And I think there's a real sense that people even who don't support Donald Trump or the America First agenda, they understand this is to the destruction of our country if we don't stop it," he added.

The former governor also said that the alleged crimes of Hunter Biden are very different than the alleged crimes of former President Donald Trump.

"Donald Trump, they say, had a few boxes of papers," he said. "Boy, that's a crime that people really care about. What we're talking about here is tens of millions of dollars in foreign money put into the pockets not just of Hunter and his pals, but of Joe Biden.

"I hope people never forget that this is really not about the drug-addled, deadbeat, doesn't even acknowledge his own child, son Hunter, who gets $800,000 for blowing paint through a straw like he's some kind of Picasso."

"This is about Joe Biden," he continued. "This is about the fact that Hunter used his dad, but let's be clear: His dad used Hunter in order to get this kind of money, according to evidence that keeps just dripping out from whistleblowers and from the FBI reports."


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Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee told Newsmax Wednesday that the judge's decision to delay accepting Hunter Biden's plea deal was a great day for justice in America.
mike huckabee, hunter biden, noreika, joe biden
Wednesday, 26 July 2023 07:53 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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