Mort Klein to Newsmax: Allies, Stop Blaming Israel for Hamas Conflict

Mort Klein (Newsmax)

By    |   Tuesday, 03 September 2024 06:09 PM EDT ET

Mort Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), warned that the global community must cease blaming Israel for the ongoing war with Hamas, emphasizing the dire consequences of failing to confront the terrorist organization.

Klein issued a stark warning during a Tuesday interview on Newsmax's "The Chris Salcedo Show" that the increasing tendency of some Western nations to criticize Israel could lead to devastating consequences, not only for Israel but for the global fight against terrorism.

"This is almost worse than during the Holocaust," Klein declared, expressing deep concern over the international community's response to the Israel-Hamas conflict. He pointed out that some countries, notably England, have taken positions that indirectly support Hamas, a recognized terrorist organization, by refusing to provide Israel with necessary arms. This refusal, according to Klein, undermines Israel's ability to defend itself against the ongoing threat posed by Hamas.

Klein argued that rather than pressuring Israel, Western nations should be taking decisive actions against Iran, the country he identified as the primary supporter and funder of Hamas and Hezbollah.

"What they should be doing should be saying that if there's one hostage or one American hostage harmed or killed, we will immediately sanction Iran, where they will not be able to sell their oil. We will immediately, within 48 hours, destroy their oil facilities so Iran will not be able to make any funding," he insisted.

"If it's Iran who's funding and arming Hamas and Hezbollah, that should be, what should be stated," he added.

The ZOA president also criticized calls for the establishment of a Palestinian state, citing the situation in Gaza as a cautionary example.

"We have to get America and England and others to stop calling for a Palestinian state where they had a small state in Gaza. You see what they did: 35,000 rockets. You don't want to give them a bigger state where they can even do more harm," he said.

"You have to stop blaming Israel," Klein emphasized, urging the global community to recognize the existential threat that Hamas poses not only to Israel but to the West as a whole.

"Israel has offered to have a temporary cease-fire, offered to release 1,000 terrorists. And yet Hamas said no because Israel has said we got to control the border between Egypt and Gaza because that is the border where all the arms come in — the missiles, the rockets, the rifles come into Hamas, Israel's got to control that border," Klein asserted, criticizing Western nations like the U.S. and the U.K. for pressuring Israel to concede on this issue.

"This is a disaster for all of us because Mohammed al-Zahhar, the co-founder of Hamas, has said publicly in the last few months; first, we're going to kill all the Jews. Next, we're going to kill all the Christians. We're in this together. And England, America, and France they do not understand this," he said.

"This is a war against the West and against non-Muslims, not simply against Jews," Klein concluded.


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Mort Klein, national president of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), warned that the global community must cease blaming Israel for the ongoing war with Hamas, emphasizing the dire consequences of failing to confront the terrorist organization.
mort klein, allies, israel, hamas, palestinian, state, gaza, war, terrorists, west
Tuesday, 03 September 2024 06:09 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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