Giuliani to Newsmax: 'Real Judge' Delayed Hunter's Plea Deal

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani (Getty Images)

By    |   Thursday, 27 July 2023 11:04 AM EDT ET

Hunter Biden's plea agreement fell apart Wednesday because the Department of Justice "ran into a real federal judge" in U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Newsmax.

"They ran into a real federal judge as opposed to someone who's overwhelmed by Trump derangement syndrome or some form of partisan insanity," Giuliani, also a former attorney for former President Donald Trump, said Wednesday on Newsmax's "Eric Bolling The Balance."

Giuliani's comments came after Hunter Biden, through a plea agreement that he reached with the DOJ, pleaded not guilty to charges of failing to pay taxes on more than $1.5 million in income in 2017 and 2018 despite owing more than $100,000.

Biden did not enter a plea in a separate case where he is charged with unlawfully owning a firearm while addicted to and using a controlled substance, a felony.

Noreika said she did not want to "rubber stamp" a plea deal and asked both sides to brief her on why it should or should not be accepted.

"The case can't forward like this under any set of circumstances since the time he entered the plea," Giuliani said. "It smells like a fix, looks like a fix, it walks like a fix. It is a fix."

He added that the weapons charge was the most serious of those Biden is facing, but the plea agreement included deferred prosecution rather than jail time.

"That judge is smart enough to know that's reserved for a first-time offender who's a juvenile, not a 35-year-long drug addict, and the very crime involved as a drug addict having possession of a gun," Giuliani said. "That's a serious crime. And they [were] going to let him get away with it completely."

Further, Giuliani said the agreement didn't call for any jail time, and the tax cases involved were "the least" of what the prosecutors had.

Treating the case as a political matter means it has "certain advantages," he said.

"You can fix the case more, but then you can get yourself into one of these terrible problems where you can't get rid of the case when you want to because you need it politically," Giuliani said. "Had this case been treated on the merits, he would have taken a plea and maybe he would have had to have done four or five years in jail."

But now, Giuliani said, "Believe me, and I haven't been wrong yet, it's going to get much worse before it gets better."

Further, the case has opened to involve President Joe Biden "big time," said Giuliani.

"You can no longer say Joe is not involved," he said. "The whole 10 years of, 'I never talked to my son about his business dealings' is contradicted by, I count, about 25 pieces of distinct evidence. It's irrefutable that he talked to him in great detail and was a part of [his businesses]."

Giuliani also said White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre's changing story about Biden and his son's business interests is "kind of stupid."

"She said he never was in business with [Hunter]," said Guiliani. "That isn't what he said. What he said was I never talked to him, and he said that for 10 years … he also said that he wasn't in business with him. What do you think 10% for the 'big guy' is?"


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Hunter Biden's plea agreement fell apart Wednesday because the Department of Justice "ran into a real federal judge" in U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said on Newsmax.
rudy giuliani, hunter biden, plea deal, joe biden, plea, doj, judge, karine jean-pierre
Thursday, 27 July 2023 11:04 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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