Ramaswamy to Newsmax: RNC's McDaniel Failed the Party

(Newsmax/"Eric Bolling The Balance")

By    |   Friday, 08 December 2023 10:15 PM EST ET

With four presidential primary debates on the books and the Iowa caucuses fast approaching, multimillionaire entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy reiterated on Newsmax Friday that Ronna McDaniel should resign as chair of the Republican National Committee.

Ramaswamy first caused a stir by calling for McDaniel's resignation during the third GOP primary debate Nov. 8 in Miami, and he has since circulated a petition calling on McDaniel to step down. McDaniel has led the RNC since 2017 but Republicans have had disappointing election results nationally under her watch.

"She has badly failed the Republican Party," Ramaswamy told "Eric Bolling The Balance." "The fact of the matter is, I judge by results — 2018, 2020, 2022, 2023 — all disasters for Republicans. That spans two different [presidential] administrations, one Republican one Democrat."

McDaniel brushed off Ramaswamy's initial remarks in November, saying Republicans should focus on taking on President Joe Biden and not each other.

McDaniel's salary was $122,582 when she was first elected chair in 2017. It grew to $358,431 from January 2022 to November 2022, the Washington Examiner reported, citing Federal Elections Commission data.

"It's hard not to bear some accountability," Ramaswamy said. "Yet, what do we see? Ronna McDaniel's salary has tripled over that same period. Lot of that money being spent in [what] I would say questionable places.

"At the end of the day — and I don't mean this personally against her, I just mean this as somebody who wants to have a party that wins elections — we need to have some level of accountability in this party."


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With four presidential primary debates in the books and the Iowa caucuses fast approaching, multimillionaire entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy reiterated on Newsmax Friday that Ronna McDaniel should resign as chair of the Republican National Committee. Ramaswamy first caused a ...
vivek ramaswamy, rnc, ronna mcdaniel, elections
Friday, 08 December 2023 10:15 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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