Can We Believe So Much as One Word of Fauci Memoir?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, former Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testifies before the U.S.  House Select Committee on the Coronavirus, Washington, DC, June 3, 2024. Fauci was the public face of government response to the coronavirus. (Allison Bailey/Middle East via AFP via Getty Images)

By Thursday, 27 June 2024 02:27 PM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

Very Recently, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s memoir was released, after he reportedly sold the publishing rights for $5 million.

The seven-figure compensation is remarkable considering that medical advice from Fauci should inspire about as much confidence as a stock tip from Sam Bankman-Fried.

A disturbing and consistent pattern emanating from Fauci is dehumanizing people for political gain. He spread fear, hysteria, and division during the AIDS epidemic just like he did during the recent pandemic.

Since this astonishingly meretricious former public health official insists on continuously misleading the public instead of settling quietly into retirement, it’s imperative to highlight some important facts that you won’t read in his memoir.

As early as February 2020, Fauci was informed that this virus was likely scientifically engineered. Despite the actual evidence, a month later Fauci was instrumental in drafting and promoting a ridiculous and heretofore discredited journal article claiming a natural origin for COVID-19.

As a scientist, one would have to be crazy to heartily endorse any view lacking logical merit. Unless of course that scientist knew that his organization had funded exactly the kind of research that likely caused the pandemic.

At the onset of the virus, we were not informed that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology where this virus likely originated.

Thanks to released emails, it is now clear beyond cavil that Dr, Fauci knew that his agency was funding gain of function research in a Wuhan Lab — even as Fauci hides behind semantics on the precise meaning of "gain of function."

Fauci’s former chief of staff Greg Folkers wrote the following in an email, "EcoHealth group [recipient of NIH grant] (Peter Daszak et al), has for years been among the biggest players in coronavirus work, also in collaboration with Ralph Baric, Ian Lipkin and others."

Take a look at part of an email written by Dr, David Morens, a former senior adviser to Fauci, "PS, I forgot to say there is no worry about FOIAs. I can either send stuff to Tony on his private Gmail, or hand it to him at work or at his house. He is too smart to let colleagues send him stuff that could cause trouble."

How anyone can take Fauci seriously as a professional is even more dubious when considering his preposterous position on forced vaccinations.

While one can argue that the concerns regarding the efficacy and serious potential side effects of the vaccines were not immediately known to Fauci, prominent studies showed that those who had recovered from the virus had ample natural immunity. Yet, according to a leaked audio, Fauci conveyed sentiments resembling what could be described as gangster-like, other than a serious, deliberate, and responsible adult.

Fauci actually said the following: "I don’t see a big solution, other than some sort of mandatory vaccination. I know federal officials don’t like to use that term. Once people feel empowered and protected legally, you’re going to have schools, universities, and colleges are going to say, 'you want to come to this college buddy, you’re going to get vaccinated. Lady, you’re going to get vaccinated.' Yeah, big corporations, like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others, are going to say 'you want to work for us, you get vaccinated.'

"And it’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bull****t and they get vaccinated."

Because of these mandates, countless lives were viciously thrown into chaos and that’s just the best-case scenario, at worst the lives of millions of people were harmed irreparably. Countless lost both their businesses and livelihoods.

Fauci’s failures and outrageous actions far predate the pandemic.

In 1983, Fauci published an article claiming that AIDS could be spread through casual contact. Fauci would go on to warn against young children going near people with AIDS suggesting that this alone could cause them to contract the virus.

See the video here.

Like a scene straight out of "House of Cards," one may be impressed by the fact that Dr. Fauci made it nearly impossible for President Trump to fire him before the 2020 Election.

President Trump was properly cautious and responsible when it came to dealing with Fauci during the pandemic.

It would be unnatural for anyone to be paranoid enough to immediately foresee the scheming, and reckless ineptitude that would mark Fauci’s handling of the pandemic.

Dr. Fauci gave up all pretense of impartiality right before the November 2020 election when claiming that then candidate Joe Biden was taking the health crisis "seriously" while indicating that President Trump was focused on other concerns.

The Great Barrington Declaration came out in October of 2020.

A far more effective, logical, and science-based strategy for combating COVID-19 (and hysterically opposed by Fauci) would probably have been adopted during a second Trump term.

If you are an unhinged radical leftist or someone consumed with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), you may venerate Fauci. The rest of Americans should treat Fauci’s untouchable reign at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a terrifying call to action.

Nicholas Chamberas has advised good government advocacy groups, elected officials and political candidates on public policy matters as well as having served as a senior adviser on several prominent New York City campaigns. He holds a degree in Political Science and a Juris Doctor. Read Nicholas Chamberas' Reports — More Here.

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A disturbing and consistent pattern emanating from Fauci is dehumanizing people for political gain. He spread fear, hysteria, and division during the AIDS epidemic just like he did during the recent pandemic.
aids, covid, fauci
Thursday, 27 June 2024 02:27 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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