Time to Stop Humoring Radical, Violent Left

Portland, Oregon police officers chase demonstrators after a riot was declared during a protest on April 12, 2021. (Nathan Howard/Getty Images)

By Thursday, 01 August 2024 10:19 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

President Joe Biden warned about the dangers of domestic terrorism in his inaugural address to the nation on Jan. 20, 2021.

Indeed, domestic terrorism is a far greater threat to our democracy than anyone could have imagined a few years ago.

It's now time to state the obvious, speak a truth that must be recognized and addressed; it's something that neither Biden nor Vice President Kamala Harris will ever dare acknowledge.

Our cities, towns, communities of all sizes, and homes are under assault by a militant, radical left far more afraid of running out of Molotov cocktails, than they are of facing the  consequences for their crimes.

It is these violent attacks against Donald Trump supporters and Republicans which are common place and almost always accompanied by feverish spin and "rationalization" from mainstream media.

Violence, and calling for violence is the unofficial “secret sauce” of the radical left controlling the Democratic Party. Talk about "domestic terrorism" from most far left activists is nothing more than a dog whistle for targeting people who disagree with them.

An elderly abortion protester poses about as much threat to Democracy as an eight-year-old selling lemonade.

Yet, Paulette Harlow, a 75-year-old woman with a serious medical condition, was sentenced to two years in prison for praying at an abortion clinic.

Antifa attackers went on a rampage against journalist Andy Ngo (causing serious bodily injury) and others.

How much jail time did they receive? Zero, nothing.

Does anyone really believe that Thomas Matthew Crooks, just 20 years old (and nearly President Trump’s assassin) was of sound mind and body?

A few days ago, an 80-year-old man putting up a Trump sign in his yard, was run over by a troubled 22-year-old man who subsequently committed suicide.

Democrats routinely call for violence against their political opponents; and it's usually troubled individuals who act on their exhortations

During President Trump’s 2017 Inauguration, hundreds of Antifa militants clad in all black attire, descended on the Capitol, setting fires while committing acts of violence.

Two-hundred people were arrested, the government dropped the charges against all of them.

In 2020, Antifa forcibly took over and occupied six blocks of an area in Seattle, declaring an autonomous zone.

Law enforcement was kicked out and helpless to prevent a shooting of two people that left a 16-year-old boy dead.

After President Trump’s 2020 Republican convention speech, radical leftists staged a mock execution and assaulted people leaving the White House.

Last year, 61 individuals in Georgia were arrested and charged with racketeering in attempting to stop construction of a police and fire training center.

Twenty-three of those people have also been charged with domestic terrorism following a brutal attack on the site.

A few months ago, an Antifa supporter was arrested for attempting to bomb the office of the Alabama Attorney General. By encouraging violence and even murder, the radical left bears responsibility for the dangerous political climate in our country.

A mob of mostly violent criminals stormed the outskirts of the Capitol while Bejamin Netanyahu was addressing Congress.

Historic statues were vandalized, American flags thrown to the ground and burned.

While some politicians justifiably talk about revoking visas and deporting troublemakers, if you look closely at the crowd assembled, you’ll see you have a better chance of finding more foreigners at a DAR convention; these people are mostly white Americans and extensions of Antifa and BLM.

After Mark Houck got into a minor scuffle at an abortion protest (he claims he was defending his 12-year-old son) local authorities declined to press charges, but then the Biden regime stepped in.

A SWAT team of 25 people came to his to arrest him on federal charges after he offered to turn himself in.

A jury acquitted Mr. Houck within hours of deliberating.

Last month in New York City, police clad in riot gear were forced to enter the subway after a large group menacingly searched for Jewish people riding the train.

After Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., initiated a call to action, Trump administration officials and Republicans were often harassed in public spaces and some were even forced to leave restaurants for fear of being assaulted.

In 2020, Vice President Harris infamously helped raise money for alleged violent criminals burning our cities in "protest," as well as others accused of heinous violent crimes.

How much money has the vice president helped raise for the shooting victims in the assassination attempt against President Trump on July 13, in Butler, Pennsylvania?

President Obama famously asked his supporters to get in people's faces and talked about punishing his enemies, and this fomented hostilities nationally.

No one should be forced to live in fear because someone saw them wearing a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat.

People attending church regularly are not a threat to our country, claiming that they are is an insidious, but long-cherished tool of psychological manipulation by the far left.

Let’s stop humoring the sophists making these claims.

Political Violence in any form is wrong and never justified.

Democrats must start saying this loudly, and often, or they are a big part of the problem.

Rest In Peace Corey Comperatore, you did not die in vain.

Nicholas Chamberas has advised good government advocacy groups, elected officials and political candidates on public policy matters as well as having served as a senior adviser on several prominent New York City campaigns. He holds a degree in Political Science and a Juris Doctor. Read Nicholas Chamberas' Reports — More Here.

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People attending church regularly are not a threat to our country, claiming that they are is a long-cherished tool of psychological manipulation by the far left. Let’s stop humoring the sophists making these claims.
antifa, portland, left
Thursday, 01 August 2024 10:19 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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