Democrats Will Have Only Themselves to Blame When They Lose


By Thursday, 11 July 2024 11:28 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party or candidate on the part of Newsmax.)

Republicans and others are pleased, and salivating over, President Joe Biden’s terrible debate performance.

Concurrently, Democratic Party loyalists are happy to discuss anything, besides the abysmal record of the administration of our nation's 46h president. 

If we want the GOP to retake the White House, the U.S. Senate, and expand the majority in the U.S. House, we must understand that the Democrats biggest most exploitable weakness isn’t their "messenger," it’s actually their awful, unhinged, out of touch, dangerous, radical Woke agenda.

A creed and platform that has tanked the economy for middle-class and working-class families nationally.

President Biden can have another five debates with Former-President Trump, and he can literally mumble every single response to every question, and he still has a better chance of keeping the presidency in Democratic hands more than any other prospective contender against Donald Trump.

While it sounds highly unlikely, consider the alternatives.

The fact that someone like Vice President Kamala Harris, Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif., former first lady Michelle Obama, or Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich., would be more articulate in expressing the Democrats insane policy priorities, that isn’t going to help them with voters in November.

In  boxing, we often hear that "styles make fights."

The same truism applies to candidate debates.

That’s why a smooth-talking, orotund trial lawyer like John Edwards can be taken to school by a traditionally undemonstrative politician like Dick Cheney.

In their recent debate, Donald Trump was restrained and strategic with his attacks against Joe Biden. (Never underestimate the sympathy factor in American politics.)

Former-President Trump would have no such constraints with Harris, Newsom, Obama, or Whitmer, they would have no choice but to defend the Democrats bizarre priorities, and extreme policies, such as letting biological males compete in women’s sports while eliminating countless high paying jobs via executive order.

There are currently four names mentioned often as potential Biden replacements.

How do each one measure up in a contest against Mr. Trump?

Kamala Harris  Vice President Harris would not only have to defend the actions of the Biden administration, her communication struggles and lack of appeal with independent and moderate voters will not broaden the electoral map for Democrats.

Harris also lacks the bona-fides that Biden retains with some blue-collar voters.

Harris would be a great choice if the Democrats were struggling to keep voters favoring partial-birth abortion.

Michelle Obama  For better or worse, Michelle Obama is linked to her husband’s time in office, which is fondly regarded by the Democratic base.

The Obama presidency started off with so much hope and promise.

Its marketing was excellent.

Millions of Americans were inspired and relying on a more harmonious, just, and prosperous America: "Hope and Change."

Much like the fen-phen debacle, the miracle many Americans were relying on turned into a nightmare. Barack Obama mocked Donald Trump for even suggesting that manufacturing jobs could be brought back to America, Obama was a champion of the Trans Pacific Partnership which would have decimated American manufacturing jobs.

Michelle Obama would fare very well in deep blue states and lose everywhere else.

Gov. Gavin Newsom, D-Calif. — Make America like California?

Granted, Newsom would be better rehearsed and polished in a debate with Donald Trump, but those are exactly the kind of candidates that bring out the best in President Trump.

Donors might love a Newsom candidacy, but voters won’t be amused, and he may even put states like New York and New Jersey in play.

Gretchen Whitmer  It's no coincidence that Michigan is struggling with population loss and residents fleeing to other states. Whitmer’s attempted tax-hikes, anti-energy policies, illogical and draconian coronavirus lockdowns will not attract or retain any of the voters Democrats need.

During her tenure, Michigan legislators were forced to repeal a law after an additional 20% of third graders were eligible to be held back for failing to meet reading proficiency levels.

In 2021, we saw the Democrats wildly celebrating, and supremely confident that they had killed President Trump’s political career.

In 2020, they managed to deny Trump a second term in part by launching one shameless hoax after another.

In an unprecedented expose published by Time Magazine, they even provided stunning details regarding the cabal that they claim took down the Trump presidency. Yet four years later, much like Clint Eastwood’s "Preacher" in Pale Rider (1985), Donald Trump is storming back just in time to stop the Democrats plans to radically transform (read destroy) America.

The Democrats never planned on having to face Donald Trump again.

Ecstatic and jubilant in marching our country towards socialism and crony corporatism, they figured they would be able to secure another winning coalition in 2024.

Now the Democrats must compare Trump’s four years in office directly with Biden’s disastrous four years in office, no matter who the Democratic candidate is.

If that happens, the Democrats only chance is if almost every single person here illegally (courtesy of the Biden open border policy) goes to vote and has their vote counted.

If that doesn’t happen, Donald Trump is headed for a landslide victory in November.

Nicholas Chamberas has advised good government advocacy groups, elected officials and political candidates on public policy matters as well as having served as a senior adviser on several prominent New York City campaigns. He holds a degree in Political Science and a Juris Doctor. Read Nicholas Chamberas' Reports — More Here.


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The Democrats never planned on having to face Donald Trump again. Ecstatic and jubilant in marching our country towards socialism and crony corporatism, they figured they would be able to secure another winning coalition in 2024.
harris, obama, newsom
Thursday, 11 July 2024 11:28 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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