Albania's Conservative Opposition Aligns With Western Strategic Interests

Albanian opposition leader Sali Berisha addresses the media after the wrap up of an opposition rally, during which he was punched in the face by a man, on December 6 2022. (AFP via Getty Images)

By    |   Thursday, 11 July 2024 02:23 PM EDT ET

In recent years, as discussed previously on this blog, the opposition in Albania, led by former Prime Minister and President Sali Berisha, has faced challenges in gaining legitimacy, with their official seal and symbols held up in court.

Berisha never wavered in his efforts to return the Albanian Democratic Party (DP) to its base and assemble a center-right coalition for the 2025 elections. Despite setbacks from international lobbying, government intervention, and a sellout of the previous opposition leader, Berisha's remarkable determination and will helped create a true opposition.

Three years ago, many declared him defeated and abandoned, with opportunists rushing to denounce not only him but the opposition’s cause. Today, after reawakening a movement and waging a political battle against all odds, as only a statesman can do, worthy of history books and political science classes, he stands vindicated, with the united opposition behind him.

Now that the unconstitutionally created legal troubles are over and the conservative opposition is united, I urge the international community to recognize their courage and offer necessary support — to avoid the mistakes of recent years or the abandonment of 1945 at the bloody hands of communists.

Supporting Albania is crucial for democracy, regional stability, and Western interests. This is a decisive moment for Europeans and Americans to build a new contract in Albania based on mutual interests, shaping the next 50 years.

After serving as a transformative prime minister, steering Albania toward NATO membership and closer ties with the EU, Berisha resigned from party leadership in 2013.

Near retirement, in 2021, the U.S. State Department controversially blacklisted Berisha without showing proof, and not accompanied by other government entities sanctions, as in all other cases of sanctioned individuals, enforcing the belief that this was politically motivated. He has been under house arrest for six months without any accusation, seen by most as political and unconstitutional, in a persecution similar to President Trump’s in the U.S.

Concerns have arisen that the sanctions process has been politicized by actors in the State Department. Republican senators recently expressed their concern in a letter to the White House, emphasizing that these sanctions harm U.S. allies abroad, especially on the conservative side.

The Council of American Ambassadors also raised concerns about Berisha’s sanction, after a fact-finding mission in Albania. The widely expected second Trump administration should launch an inquiry on this ambiguous designation on their biggest ally in the region.

When the previous leadership of the DP expelled him under pressure, Berisha embarked on an effort to remove the corrupt leader of the party and return it to its base, raising enough grassroots support through his leadership, charisma, and conservative promises. Berisha's struggle is a reminder of the importance of safeguarding democratic institutions against corruption and authoritarianism, transnational rule imposed by unelected bureaucrats and using rule of law as lawfare.

Under his leadership, the DP has reaffirmed its commitment to European integration, aiming to steer Albania toward EU accession while fostering stronger ties with the United States. The DP has outlined a clear path to tackle corruption and strengthen democratic institutions, crucial for Albania’s EU membership aspirations.

The National Convention of the party has approved a Political and Philosophical Doctrine that will serve as a basis for the electoral and governing program.

For American and European officials, backing the DP’s vision should represent a strategic opportunity to support a reliable partner in the Balkans, committed to advancing shared democratic values and regional stability. By aligning with the DP's agenda, international stakeholders can bolster Albania's democratic trajectory, counterbalance external influences and pave the way for Albania’s integration into Euro-Atlantic institutions.

With his return, Berisha has attracted a new generation of young, patriotic and pro-Western conservatives ready to shape the country's future. Despite relentless assaults and attempts to sideline him politically, Berisha has opened the DP to diverse voices and ideas, ensuring it remains a vibrant and inclusive political force.

The center-right coalition is poised to offer Albania a government that prioritizes democracy, strong institutions and stability, serving as a reliable partner to the United States and European Union. The Democratic Party is undoubtedly ready to govern, working on a pro-growth platform that unites all those on the center-right spectrum, from libertarians to conservatives, traditionalists, anticommunists, free marketers, legitimate property holders, the middle class and the youth.

As the last Reaganite statesman in Europe, Berisha represents a unique opportunity for the United States and its European allies to support a reliable partner committed to Western ideals. The DP's dedication to democratic governance, economic prosperity, and Euro-Atlantic integration offers a pathway toward strengthening Albania's role as a stable and trustworthy ally.

In the delicate Balkans region, a stable and democratic Albania under experienced leadership would provide significant strategic benefits. By supporting the DP's efforts to build a governing team with integrity and uphold democratic principles, the West can ensure Albania's resilience against authoritarian influences and external interference.

Embracing the pro-American and pro-EU Democratic Party not only safeguards Albania's sovereignty but also enhances regional security and promotes Western interests in Southeast Europe.

Addressing the unjustified non grata sanction against Berisha and reestablishing robust diplomatic relations with the DP would demonstrate a renewed commitment by the United States to its strongest ally in the Balkans. By rectifying past misunderstandings and fostering closer ties with the DP, the U.S. can bolster Albania's capacity to tackle 21st-century challenges while advancing shared values of democracy, security, human rights, and economic progress.

Embracing Albania's conservative opposition as a partner aligns fully with Western strategic interests and reinforces the region's trajectory toward a stable and prosperous future under democratic governance.

Nikola Kedhi is an economic expert, a coauthor of the Constitution of the Conservative Values and a contributor to several media outlets in the US, UK, and Europe, including Newsmax, Newsweek, Fox News, Daily Wire etc. He can be reached through his Twitter account and Substack Kedhi'ms articles reflect solely his own opinions. Read Reports by Nikola Kedhi — More Here.

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For American and European officials, backing the DP’s vision should represent a strategic opportunity to support a reliable partner in the Balkans, committed to advancing shared democratic values and regional stability.
albania, berisha
Thursday, 11 July 2024 02:23 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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