In '24, America Can Elect the 'Women's President'

Women Suffrage Postal Stamp. Women Suffrage,the right to vote postal stamp was issued in 1970. The stamp dispicts suffragettes,1920, and women voters. (Sylvana Rega/

By    |   Friday, 18 October 2024 12:18 PM EDT ET

(Editor's Note: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax.)


The 47th president of the United States will inherit issues that directly impact the day-to-day life of the American woman. The next administration’s policies must be based on an authentically positive vision for the American woman’s future.

This means the American woman has a critical decision to make on Nov. 5— but that is nothing new. The everyday American woman balances responsibility in numerous arenas, from home and parenthood to office and industry.

This woman makes daily decisions that affect the health and financial well-being of her household, her work outside the home, and her prospects for the future.

This industrious citizen calls to mind a proverb about the woman who "works with willing hands" and "does not eat the bread of idleness." The writer of Proverbs 31:31 adds, "Give her the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her"!

This woman, whether she is married, unmarried, a parent, or a caregiver, has a unique set of interests at stake in the 2024 election.

The 47th president of the United States has the opportunity to cement a legacy as the Women’s President, if this person sets policy based on a positive vision of who the American woman is, what she can attain, and the policies that will help her thrive.

Women are key stakeholders in America’s economic outlook, owning and operating nearly 40 percent of all businesses in America.

Women are directly affected by the state of the U.S. economy as they shop for groceries, put gas in the car, and plan for the future.

Mothers and expectant mothers must evaluate paid parental leave policies in choosing whether to work outside the home, and for whom.

Additionally, moms must weigh the quality of options against financial feasibility when deciding whether to educate their children through public, private, or homeschool.

The American woman, with her myriad responsibilities and contributions in every season of life, deserves a thoughtful assessment of her policy interests, not reductive pandering about "reproductive choice."

In recent years, policymakers have been more focused on things like writing "genderlessness" into federal law and eliminating safety guardrails for chemical abortion than understanding who the American woman is.

She is feeling the impact of those policy initiatives.

While women’s median income increased every year under former President Donald J. Trump's presidency, American women are now facing skyrocketing inflation and sticker shock on basic household goods.

When federal authorities neglected to respond to America’s devastating baby formula supply chain shortage for six months, American women had to drive from store to store just to find infant care essentials.

American families, on average, are finding that it costs an extra $12,590 in 2024 to maintain their 2021 standards of living, requiring many women to choose between working to supplement household income or spending less on what they and their families enjoy --- not to mention waiting longer to enjoy the fruits of their labor in retirement.

The left simply can't even define what a woman is, let alone address her true interests and concerns. The American woman works hard for America.

But will America work hard for her?

The pages of Scripture honor the wise and industrious woman and praise the heroic acts of the biblical queens, prophets, and judges.

But the Bible also cautions women not to be weak-willed and deceived by personalities and appearances.

The Christian tradition honors, cherishes, and uplifts women in the example of Jesus Christ, and Christianity has been the antidote to injustice and dishonor toward women from time immemorial.

Therefore, it is incumbent on women of faith to show up to the polls and act as salt and light on Nov. 5.

The left has successfully driven a wedge with its discouraging and spiritually bankrupt vision for the future of women in America.

While it may take generations to rebuild political consensus around policies that bear good fruit, the 47th president of the United States will be empowered to advance policies that dignify women or policies that harm them. Women of faith must not stay home and let policies inspired by misery and dysfunction prevail over a positive vision for a future of health, wellness, and prosperity for the American woman. Now is the time to elect a true Women’s President.

Noelle Huizenga is the vice president of public policy & communications at National Religious Broadcasters, a 501(c)(3) organization that neither supports nor opposes any candidate for public office.

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The 47th president of the United States will be empowered to advance policies that dignify women or policies. Women of faith must not stay home and let policies inspired by dysfunction prevail over a positive vision for a future of the American woman.
christianity, faith, trump
Friday, 18 October 2024 12:18 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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