President Joe Biden's State of the Union address wasn't well received by most Americans, according to four polls taken following his speech, reports The Federalist.
Fifty-nine percent of registered voters told HarrisX/Forbes pollsters that Biden's speech served to divide the country further, not unify it, compared to 41% who said the opposite.
Otherwise, Biden's address didn't do much to boost his numbers in other polls, including YouGov, Yahoo, Rasmussen, FiveThirtyEight, and Morning Consult.
In the FiveThirtyEight polling averages, Biden's approval dropped slightly from 38.1% on March 7 to 38% now. The Economist/YouGov poll showed almost no change (42% to 56% approval/disapproval ratio on March 3-5, and a 42% to 55% ratio on March 10-12).
A Yahoo News/YouGov survey conducted in the days after Biden's speech showed former President Donald Trump and Biden statistically tied in a head-to-head matchup. They remain tied today.
Before his speech, 40% of Americans approved of the job Biden was doing as president; 56% disapproved. Now, numbers are 39% and 55%, respectively.