Bannon: Investigate McCabe, Comey, Esper, Milley, Barr


By    |   Sunday, 30 June 2024 05:30 PM EDT ET

Before heading to prison Monday, Steve Bannon did an interview with ABC "This Week," repeating his calls for investigations into people he considers deep state operatives.

 He called out Justice Department and Pentagon leaders, alleging they sought to initiate a weaponless coup against then-President Donald Trump.

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, fired FBI Director James Comey, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper, former Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, and Attorney General Bill Barr will all be investigated for their perceived failure to serve at the pleasure of Trump, according to Bannon.

"I'm talking about people in positions of authority" being investigated, Bannon told ABC's Jon Karl, the originator of the "you're telling people to ingest bleach" anti-Trump COVID narrative.

"For instance," Bannon continued after being interrupted by Karl, McCabe "ought to be worried."

"He is definitely going to be investigated, so is Comey, so is Esper. I believe Milley will. People of — look at what happened in — look what happened," he added, before being interrupted again asking twice about Milley.

"We don't know what conversations he had outside the military chain of command when he was chairman of the Joint Chiefs, when he talked to the Chinese, when he talked to Nancy Pelosi," Bannon said, a day before he is slated to be headed to prison for contempt of Congress for not submitting to a congressional subpoena.

"We have to investigate all of that. If you haven't done anything, you shouldn't worry."

Bannon is going to jail for the very "crime" Hunter Biden and Biden administration Attorney General Merrick Garland allegedly committed, rejecting a congressional subpoena.

Bannon added Garland "100%" will be going to prison.

"I think Bill Barr has to be investigated," too, Bannon added.

"It's justice. Bill Barr needs to be. It's not retribution. It's justice."

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Before heading to prison Monday, Steve Bannon did an interview with ABC "This Week," repeating his calls for investigations into people he considers deep state operatives. He called out Justice Department and Pentagon leaders, alleging they sought to initiate a weaponless...
steve bannon, investigate, deep state, trump
Sunday, 30 June 2024 05:30 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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