Even The Washington Post Exposes Biden's Corruption

President Joe Biden (Getty Images)

By    |   Wednesday, 27 December 2023 10:09 AM EST ET

Virtually the entire Democratic Party has harshly condemned House Republicans for their vote to inquire whether there are enough witnesses, reliable documents, and curious and honorable legal scholars who believe that President Joe Biden is guilty of improperly enriching himself and the entire Biden family.

Georgetown University professor Jonathan Turley is one who thinks the Democrats can't honorably dismiss the GOP case against the president as they are clearly doing. The American people also seem to think the Republicans are on the right side here.

With the formal approval of the inquiry into the president's conduct, the Democrats, argues Turley, are in denial of elementary facts that even the public thinks is scandalous.

Here's the way he put it in a recent column: "Despite overwhelming evidence of a corrupt Biden family influence operation worth millions of dollars, not a single Democratic [House] member voted for an inquiry into the allegations."

Every Democrat, he lamented, "voted to stop any further inquiry." Nor have their stentorian outbursts against the GOP convinced the public. Nearly 70% say they believe Biden has acted unlawfully or unethically.

The Democrats' chief propaganda organ in Washington, however, at least acknowledged in a major editorial that President Biden's actions have been deplorable, at best, which is more than most liberal publications have done.

Hunter Biden's lawyer Abbe Lowell says Hunter would never have been charged if he had a different last name because he had already paid the back taxes that he owed when indicted.

"That's debatable," stated the Post. But what's not, said the editors, "is that Hunter Biden would never have earned most of the money he allegedly dodged paying — $1.4 million in federal taxes over four years — if not for his last name."

He had no other qualifications to be on the board of directors of the energy firm Burisma in 2014 except for his last name, the Post chided. And it was, indeed, a "scandal" for President Biden "to insist that his son had done nothing wrong."

Especially when "he clearly had behaved so grossly — personally and professionally."

Nor should the president "have falsely claimed in October 2020 that his son 'has not made money' in China." Nor should his son have "coarsely invoked his father in text messages seeking payment from a Chinese business associate."

The Post editorial was not as powerful as Bill McGurn's Dec. 5 piece in the Wall Street Journal. But it was scathing enough to give absolution to the House GOP's determination to find out what other inappropriate actions the president may have taken on behalf of his son and the entire Biden family.

So far, however, not a single House Democrat has publicly questioned President Biden's conduct. Moreover, most have backed those who damned the Republicans for voting to see if there is more corruption beneath the surface.

The McGurn article reveals in sordid and indisputable detail how corrupt the president has been and that he has been lying to the public about it for years.

During the 2020 debates with Donald Trump, he dismissed Hunter's laptop — much of it implicating his dad's knowledge of his son's and his family's business dealings — as a Russian disinformation operation.

When Trump brought up Hunter's overseas business dealings, Biden vigorously denied the charge.

"My son," he said, "has not made money" in China. Trump's assertions, he insisted, had been discredited.

Biden continues to claim that neither he nor his son or others in his family took money from China. But in federal court in July, McGurn pointed out, "Hunter Biden himself refuted his father's claim."

Hunter Biden admitted to Judge Maryellen Noreika that he received $684,000 from CEFC, a Chinese company with connections to the Communist Party.

Then there is the House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., whose panel is charged with digging into President Biden's financial dealings. Comer found that "money from China" ultimately funded the $40,000 check to Joe Biden from his sister-in-law.

Based on his investigative work, which hasn't been refuted, a Comer aide, speaking for the congressman, says there is "now a pattern of members of the Biden family using their bank accounts that have been funded by Chinese and other foreign entities to send money to Joe Biden."

The president's defenders, McGurn writes, can't bring themselves to see any wrongdoing. But the evidence is piling up, with even powerful allies like the Post giving the president hell for continuing to engage in corrupt practices and lying about it.

McGurn put it this way: "The president and his defenders continue to insist there is no evidence of wrongdoing. But while there may not be absolute proof, there is plenty of evidence — and it's growing."

And, as McGurn suggests, what the Post says is a scandal will not help the Democrats in the next election and may very well bring Biden down.

Allan H. Ryskind, a frequent contributor to Newsmax, is a former editor and co-owner of Human Events.

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Virtually the entire Democratic Party has harshly condemned House Republicans for their vote to inquire whether there is enough evidence, and legal scholars who believe that President Joe Biden is guilty of improperly enriching himself and the entire Biden family.
washington post, joe biden, corruption, inquiry, vote, house, republicans
Wednesday, 27 December 2023 10:09 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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