GOP Must Beat Dems Handily in 2022, Surrender Not an Option

By Monday, 11 October 2021 10:01 AM EDT ET Current | Bio | Archive

"There isn’t going to be an impeachment." That was Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., speaking in September of this year.

Sen. McConnell was making it clear, to Republicans and Democrats alike, that there are no decisions, actions, or errors that the Biden administration could make triggering the impeachment process.

No matter how many soldiers died in Afghanistan, no matter how many illegals came through our open southern border bringing COVID-19 into America, no matter how many trillions are spent on wasted federal projects, there's one problem Joe Biden won’t have: serious Republican pushback, according to Mitch McConnell.

The GOP will engage in no articles of impeachment, no censure for incompetent administration officials; nothing that would show the extreme displeasure that our country and our party are feeling.

Why? Because, apparently, that’s who we (Republicans) are. And, certainly, that’s who we’ve been for a very long time.

In other words, while Democrats engage in ritual "preemptive surrender" to foreign countries wishing us ill, Republicans engage in ritual preemptive surrender to domestic organizations likewise wishing us ill; namely, Democrats, progressives, liberals and the whole gamut of American lefties.


Republicans lost their will in 1912.

Former progressive Republican President Teddy Roosevelt decided he wanted to be president again. Republicans split the vote and progressive Democrat Woodrow Wilson easily became president.

In less than one year the United States had a progressive income tax and a Federal Reserve.

That was the end of federalism and the beginning of perpetual class warfare.

Some years later, Republican Herbert Hoover used a collection of income tax increases and higher federal spending to usher in the Great Depression.

FDR put those policies on steroids, but Hoover and Republicans supplied the cover.

Following World War II and FDR’s New Deal, the Republicans felt and acted like the permanent minority party.

JFK's win over Nixon in 1960 was so paper thin, particularly in Illinois and Texas, that senior Republican officials begged Nixon to ask for a recount and an investigation.

Nixon demurred, citing his lack of desire to create a constitutional crisis. (We should have had that fight then).

LBJ’s large electoral victory encouraged him to promote the next Socialist phase, the Great Society. He made single parent welfare the core of the black community and the emasculated young Black males the core of the burgeoning prison population.

The Republicans?

Nowhere to be seen or heard.

It was the Democrats that chased LBJ from office, a gift to Nixon in 1968.

So how did Nixon repay them?

By introducing the concept of Affirmative Action (the Philadelphia Plan), instituting price controls, and taking us off the gold standard. A Republican did that! 

The Democrats repaid Nixon by starting impeachment proceedings for a "crime" that would arguably be very minor by today’s standards.

That led to Jimmy Carter, the original Joe Biden, followed by the glory days of Ronald Reagan, our only 20th century true-believer Republican president.

But President Reagan also caved to the Democrats.

President Reagan gave tax increases to Democrat Speaker Tip O’Neill in exchange for spending cuts. Those cuts never materialized.

Did I mention that President Reagan was the first American president to legalize amnesty for three million illegal Mexicans? If Reagan couldn’t hold the line, no one could.

Reagan’s vice-president, George H.W. Bush, became president, he said "Read my lips," and unilaterally gave up Reagan’s 28% top income tax rate to his, Bush’s, closest friends, the Democrats.

More followed: Republican Speakers Boehner and Ryan refused to pursue a conservative agenda. Second-in-command in the House, Eric Cantor, lost his primary because he couldn’t wait to do amnesty.

John "Straight Talk" McCain signed on to TARP so he could join President Bush, Jr. and candidate Barack Obama in selling out the taxpayers while bailing out the bankers.

McCain followed that up by saving Obamacare while dissing President Donald Trump.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., joined Schumer’s Immigration Gang of Eight. Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah, remains the go-to senator whenever the Democrats need an extra vote.

The beat goes on.

Until it stops.

And stop it will.

There is only one antidote for both "preemptive surrenders" of the Democrats selling out to our enemies and the Republicans selling out to the Democrats.

In November 2022, the Republicans must win by such huge margins that the wacko Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. wing of the Democratic Party lies in shambles, waiting to be rebuilt by the Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. wing of their party.

That means we have to pick up at least 50 House seats and five Senate seats. No less. It requires more than your vote. It requires your time, your money, your attention and your voice.

Sid Dinerstein is a former chairman of the Palm Beach County Republican Party. Read More Here.

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In November 2022, the Republicans must win by such huge margins that the wacko AOC wing of the Democratic Party lies in shambles, waiting to be rebuilt by the Manchin wing of their party.
cuts, democrats, manchin, tax
Monday, 11 October 2021 10:01 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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