The "School of Rock" cast reunited as stars Caitlin Hale and Angelo Massagli, who played Marta and Frankie in the 2003 comedy tied the knot, bringing their former co-stars together to celebrate their wedding.
Taking to TikTok, Rivkah Reyes, who played bassist Katie, shared highlights from the celebration. The video, set to Stevie Nicks' "Edge of Seventeen," featured appearances by co-stars Brian Falduto, Joey Gaydos Jr., Robert Tsai, Maryam Hassan, Aleisha Allen, and Cole Hawkins.
Hale, 33, and Massagli, 33, first met in 2002 while filming "School of Rock," though Massagli later admitted he was impressed by Hale even before she joined the cast.
"I remember my first audition for School of Rock like it was yesterday," he told Inside Edition in 2021. "I get in there and the little blonde girl next to me, she gets called in first and she starts singing show tunes and just blows the roof off the place. It was excellent."
They remained in contact with one another and later realized there was a spark.
"We have a group chat where all the 'School of Rock' kids, we just hit each other up whenever someone moves somewhere new or is doing something different," Massagli told Inside Edition. "So Caitlin is like, 'hey, I'm moving down to Florida.' "
The pair met for lunch, then dinner, but with no expectations of anything more.
"We thought that was kind of it," Massagli told The New York Times. "But we just kept grabbing dinners and going out for the weekends. We were like, 'something's brewing here.' "
Hale shared that she soon knew that Massagli was "the one," telling her friend "I think I'm gonna marry this guy."
The couple were engaged in June 2023 and in January, had an "all out" wedding.
Since their childhood days in Hollywood, Hale and Massagli have followed different paths. Hale now works as an OB-GYN ultrasound technologist, while Massagli earned his law degree from the University of Miami in 2019.
Commenting on the wedding, Hale described the 20 year-on reunion as a "time capsule moment."
"We looked at each other and we're like, 'That just happened. We still got it.' " she said.