Sharon Stone Suggests Meryl Streep Overrated in Interview

Actor Sharon Stone attends the red carpet for the "Untitled: Dave Chappelle Documentary" Premiere at Radio City Music Hall during the 2021 Tribeca Festival In New York, NY, June 19, 2021. (Photo by Anthony Behar/Sipa USA)(Sipa via AP Images)

By    |   Wednesday, 23 June 2021 12:28 PM EDT ET

Sharon Stone has gone viral after an interview surfaced in which she implies Meryl Streep is an overly hyped actress. 

The remarks came when the "Basic Instinct" star was asked by a journalist from Everything Zoomer what it was like to "finally" get to work with Streep in the 2019 film "The Laundromat."

"I like the way you phrase that, that I finally got to work with Meryl Streep," she responded. "You didn’t say, 'Meryl finally got to work with Sharon Stone.' Or we finally got to work together. Because that’s the way her life went, she got built up to be, 'Everyone wants to work with Meryl,'" she continued. "I wonder if she likes that?"

Stone then stated that actors were made to believe that they should all "envy," "admire," and "compete" with Streep. The actress added that while she respected Streep, she felt there were dozens of other stars "equally as talented" as her. 

"The whole Meryl Streep iconography is part of what Hollywood does to women," she said. 

Comparing herself to Steep, Stone added, "I’m a much better villain than Mery, and I’m sure she’d say so. Meryl was not gonna be good in 'Basic Instinct' or in 'Casino.'" However, "we're all set up to think that only Meryl is so amazing. That when you say her name, it must have been amazing for me to work with her."

During the interview, Stone also discussed her stroke, which led to a brain aneurysm in 2001. 

"The Dalai Lama told me I reincarnated into my own body," Stone said. "So to go back, to be back, emotionally, in that other person, is not something I even want to do. People want and expect her, and that just isn’t working with me."

In a previous interview with Variety, Stone revealed just how unking Hollywood was in the years following the stroke. 

"People treated me in a way that was brutally unkind," she said. "From other women in my own business to the female judge who handled my custody case, I don’t think anyone grasps how dangerous a stroke is for women and what it takes to recover — it took me about seven years."

Stone was 43 at the time and in good health. The years that ensued were not easy. She suffered long and short-term memory loss, directional hearing in her right ear, as well as basic everyday activities like writing and walking. She also had to fight for custody of her child while struggling to keep her career going.

"[From] trying to keep custody of my son to just functioning — to be able to work at all," Stone continued. "I was so grateful to [LVMH head and now the second-richest person in the world] Bernard Arnault, who rescued me by giving me a Dior contract. But I had to remortgage my house. I lost everything I had. I lost my place in the business. I was like the hottest movie star, you know?"

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Sharon Stone has gone viral after an interview surfaced in which she implies Meryl Streep is an overly hyped actress...
sharon stone, mery streep, interview
Wednesday, 23 June 2021 12:28 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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