A clip from "Wheel of Fortune" has gone viral and fans are hailing it as the "funniest" incident in the show's history.
The memorable moment took place on Tuesday's episode with three contestants struggling to solve the unfinished puzzle "Another feather _n yo_r _a_," according to E! News.
Laura Machado gave it her best shot, first incorrectly guessing "Another feather in your hat," then "Another feather in your lap" and "Another feather in your map."
After her initial turn, contestant Christopher Coleman failed to solve the puzzle and he landed on Bankrupt, then for Thomas Lipscomb's first two turns, he landed on Bankrupt and Lose a Turn before successfully guessing the letter "C," correctly solving the puzzle.
The show soon became a trending topic on social media with fans reacting to the moment.
"History was made on #WheelOfFortune tonight. Same person missed solving the puzzle 3 times! Anyone ever have a feather in their HAT, LAP or MAP? It's CAP!" one Twitter user noted.
"I watched this live and was yelling at my screen! The failed solves just kept going, each worse than the one before it. This needs to be added to the list of all time worst of wheel of fortune guesses," another Twitter user commented.
"Hey if you feel like screaming at the TV in agony and want to throw something at your screen round 2 of tonight’s ‘Wheel of Fortune’ is *perfect* for you," another outraged viewer griped on Twitter.
"That was the funniest two minutes of #WheelOfFortune ever," someone quipped, while another added, "For the love of God please tell me ‘another feather in your cap' is not that uncommon an expression #WheelOfFortune."
Even "Frozen" star actor Josh Gad weighed in, tweeting, "God help us all.”
The commentary did not stop there as another Twitter user declared the moment was "The dumbest two minutes in Wheel of Fortune history," while another suggested that the game "should have ended this ‘Wheel of Fortune’ episode with no winner."