(Editor's Notes: The following opinion column does not constitute an endorsement of any political party, or candidate, on the part of Newsmax. Videos and links cited, are with the permission of the author.)
The matter of celebrity chatter hits home with personal significance for many who have had a lifetime of seeing and experiencing the same first hand; albeit to a lesser degree.
For example, the recent online chatter that celebrity Jennifer Lopez is currently enduring.
She has been at the entertainment industry forefront, for nearly 40 years.
It's painful to see and hear what she currently endures.
Ms. Lopez is high on the list in the spotlight of the current trend of attacking celebrities on social media. Of course, there are others. The "Royals," of the UK, for example.
This should cause us to wonder how far supposed fans will go to try to destroy the personhood of those who only try to create snapshots of happiness for others.
Many enjoy Jennifer’s movies and appreciate her artistic value as a singer and dancer.
She's also a loving mother. Yes, all "celebrities" are all human, deserving of our prayers; not our chatter, our worship, not our disdain.
While we must never condone bad or questionable behavior, we must also pray for those we allow to "entertain us" so that we can live peaceful lives.
Let us pray before we judge, please.
Ceasing to judge and staying in prayer unfailingly bring peace.
This is why it compliments unwavering faith.
Globally, negativity enfolds us, but we can still pray for, and uplift, all who sacrifice to bring joy to others.
But, let's not support, promote, or fund artists who don't create create content with life affirming themes.
As a Christian who supports life, when any "entertainment" — arts, sports or whatever — becomes murky and dangerous, I become wary, and so should you.
Yes, we can still disagree, but still be kind to one another.
We can disapprove of styles and not attack someone’s character in the process.
If we don’t approve of how someone dresses or dances, it may be time to go to turn to God, in prayer the throne, before we go to the phone — becoming a keyboard warrior spreading hatred.
God always teaches us to speak the universal language of love.
And let us never cease to forget prayer and love also comprise forgiveness.
The Rev. Dr. Mart Luther King, Jr., once said, "Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only love can do that."
Gloomy chatter can destroy life.
So, let us all come together and cease it immediately.
We may regard former President Donald J. Trump, as a "celebrity," due in part to his one-time program on NBC, "The Apprentice."
As any other high-profile individual can face, Mr. Trump has recently been the intended victim of two recent assassination attempts.
All I can say is thank God for his life and safety. Let us drop fear, and pray.
What world are we living in?
We must not make the mistake of engaging in "The world has changed.”
Friends, humanity will always be filled with those who do nothing but bolster humankind, in a myriad of ways, but those also, who seek its total destruction.
Life moves beyond the speeds of sound and light, yet many globally, go hungry.
Let us not forget that many celebrities have indeed taken up the mantle of the cause of eradicating hunger.
Let us all continue our prayers.
Remember faith in thing unseen, and the absolute power of that faith, as in Hebrews 1:1.
This long, hot summer I traveled in and around America, and to foreign lands.
I was quite encouraged to find faith, hope, and love along my pathways.
While I was away, I remained, and of course still do, with God, praying for all political candidates, and every leader. I pray for all voters this election season, especially.
"For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty," 1Timothy 2:2
We all have a God given right to make our choices and protect our beliefs and interests, inclusive of our right to vote, our right to view and hear entertainers (and other celebrities), of our choosing.
Twenty-three years ago on 9/11, I was a college professor.
As I sat at my desk working on my grades which needed to be turned in, on the screen a newsflash brought the information that the Twin Towers in New York City were under attack.
Flashbacks of the bombing of the home of my parents Rev. A.D. and Dr. Naomi King exploded before my eyes. Triggered by the past, faced with the current disaster, I realized then America was in crisis.
But remember, God is alive and available to help us as we pray, forgive, and seek answers- daily. As we go about our lives; to work, to school, to the polls, and beyond, I hear the voice of my Grandfather Daddy King.
"Make it plain. Thank God for what we have left."
Today we know clearly that America is indeed at a crossroads.
America is once again facing chaos. Assassins, terrorists, abortion, attacks on our children and families, human trafficking and many other acts of inhumanity; all are occurring globally.
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, please today bless us indeed. Bless us according to Psalm 103.
Lead us according to Psalm 23. Protect us according to Psalm 91.
Thank you for the blessing of Abraham upon our lives, for the shed blood of Jesus Christ, for our sakes and souls, as well as the power of your Holy Spirit.
Let us remember in prayer: "If my people who call by my name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways and seek my face then I will hear from heaven their sins and heal their land," 2 Chronicles 7:14.
Father God, we worship you this day, giving you thanks and praise in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
May God help America, and the world, learn to pray again!
May God bless are United States of America!
(Here are a couple of light-hearted videos. Sometimes you have to stop and smell the roses):
Ode To The Road
Dr. Alveda King serves as chair of the Center for the American Dream at the America First Policy Institute (AFPI). Read More of her Reports — Here.
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